Airline warns staff over rosters

AER LINGUS has warned cabin crew that they could be removed from the payroll and face possible dismissal if they fail to comply…

AER LINGUS has warned cabin crew that they could be removed from the payroll and face possible dismissal if they fail to comply with their published rosters next week.

Cabin crew, who are represented by Impact, have said that they will revert to previous rosters from next Thursday.

The airline maintains that the new rosters are an essential part of a binding arbitration agreement on an overall €90 million cost-saving plan, which is known as Greenfield.

The union has argued that the changes being sought go beyond the scope of the arbitration.


In a letter to cabin crew yesterday the company’s director of staff relations Sean Murphy said the airline expected them to comply with all published rosters.

“Failure to do so will put you in breach of your contract of employment. Aer Lingus will not accept staff refusing to carry out some or all of their contractual duties.

“Such a refusal could result in immediate removal from the payroll and may culminate in dismissal.”

He said that from the moment any industrial action commenced at the airline all staff travel privileges, including previously secured tickets, would be revoked immediately.

“This applies to all cabin crew who have not confirmed to Aer Lingus in writing in advance of the industrial action (either by themselves or through their union) that they will work the Greenfield rosters incorporating the binding arbitration finding.

“Also all sick leave benefits will be withdrawn from the cabin crew members concerned and non-attendance at work will not attract any payment”.

Mr Murphy said the company intended to proceed with the full implementation of changes in line with Greenfield and the binding arbitration finding.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.