Ahern stresses need for consensus on Northern representation in Dail

It was obvious that the Dáil would not agree to anything other than representatives of Northern parties attending Oireachtas …

It was obvious that the Dáil would not agree to anything other than representatives of Northern parties attending Oireachtas committees to make presentations and discuss issues in the normal way, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has insisted.

He said he had listened to what everybody said on the proposal to provide Northern representation in the Dáil and taken account of the views of all the parties, several of which had reservations.

Sinn Féin leader in the Dáil Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said he was deeply alarmed by Mr Ahern's response to the proposal, which had been to establish a committee of the House to accommodate the participation of Northern MPs in specific debates with elected colleagues to address issues of common concern.

"This is the first indication of the Taoiseach's intent not to proceed with this proposition.


"As somebody who had welcomed his endeavour to meet the recommendations of the Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution in that regard, I am, to say the least, disquieted that he is now considering not an alternative but something which is much less than the thrust of the committee's recommendation, namely an accommodation involving existing committees outside the Dáil which amounts to the same access that any lobby or interest group can avail of."

This, said Mr Ó Caoláin, fell short of the reasonable expectation that had been created within swathes of opinion north of the Border.

This was not confined to nationalism and republicanism and many of another tradition and background also viewed the proposition positively.

Mr Ahern said he hoped his amended proposal would still be in line with the report of the committee which was endorsed by the House in May 2003 and would be consistent with the Belfast Agreement.

"Deputy Ó Caoláin has raised this issue over many years, but must accept that I must secure a consensus on the matter.

"I am trying to frame a proposal that sticks with those principles and I am not abandoning it. But I must take account of the views of the parties," the Taoiseach said.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times