Ahern says tackling drugs a priority

Tackling the State's drug problem will continue to be a "key priority," Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said yesterday.

Tackling the State's drug problem will continue to be a "key priority," Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said yesterday.

Addressing a conference of regional and local drugs task forces in Dublin's Royal Hospital Kilmainham yesterday, Mr Ahern said the network of regional drug task forces would unveil their anti-drug strategies over the coming months.

But he added "real progress" had already been made in the expansion of drug-treatment services. This had come at a time when progress was also being made in the seizure of drugs shipments and the development of drugs awareness and prevention programmes in schools.

Mr Ahern revealed that since 1997, €200 million had been spent in support of 14 local drug task forces and more then 440 community-based projects had been set up, together employing more than 330 staff.


Services were now in place to offer support and advice to addicts and their families, including outreach and crisis intervention measures.

More than 20 statutory agencies are involved in the national drugs strategy and the Taoiseach said the Minister of State with responsibility for the strategy, Noel Ahern, would bring together the diverse range of departments and agencies.

Mr Ahern said there was a need for the Government to reaffirm its commitment to the strategy and he was happy to deliver that assurance.

"While there is certainly no room for complacency, it is important nonetheless that we do not lose sight of the positive things that have happened in recent years," he said.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist