445 detected drink driving in 7 days

A total of 445 people were arrested for drink driving since last Monday, Garda figures released today show.

A total of 445 people were arrested for drink driving since last Monday, Garda figures released today show.

The number compares to 416 the previous week, a Garda statement said.

Gardaí said last week that 416 drink driving offences were detected over the bank holiday weekend between Friday, June 2nd and Monday, June 4th. Four people died in crashes over that weekend.

However, road deaths appear to be on a downward trend. A total of 146 people have died on the State's roads since the start of the year, 34 fewer than for the same period last year.


May saw a lower road death toll than in any previous May since 2002: 21 people were killed in May compared to 31 in the same month in 2006 and 51 in 2005.

The Road Safety Authority said the number of roads deaths has dropped by 23 per cent since mandatory alcohol testing was introduced last July.

"Over the last 11 months there have been 274 deaths on our roads while the previous 11 months saw 354 deaths," RSA chief executive Noel Brett said last week.

"It is clear that mandatory alcohol testing has contributed significantly to the number of lives saved - along with high profile awareness campaigns and a greater Garda presence on the roads."

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times