120,000 march in Dublin over handling of economy

UP TO 120,000 people have marched in Dublin in protest at how the Government is handling the economic crisis.

UP TO 120,000 people have marched in Dublin in protest at how the Government is handling the economic crisis.

The march, which was organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, took nearly 1½ hours to make its way from Parnell Square to Merrion Square.

Ictu maintained that the protest on Saturday, which involved up to 120,000 according to Garda estimates, was the first step in a campaign in support of a fairer way to achieve economic recovery.

Addressing the demonstration Ictu general secretary David Begg said that “a business elite” had destroyed the economy and had not yet been held to account for it in any respect. Mr Begg called on the Government to talk to the trade union movement on its alternative 10-point plan for economic recovery.


He said that Ictu’s 10-point plan was not perfect but that it was the best offer that it would get “and if you are sensible you will engage with us and talk to us about it”.

Mr Begg said no balance had been put forward by the Government in its solutions for dealing with the economic crisis. There was no sense of a sharing of the burden right across the economy “not alone that it should be shared by the people who were best able to bear it and who had done best in the Celtic Tiger years”.

Ictu president Patricia McKeown said the Government wanted workers who built the economy to make the sacrifices while it protected those who wrecked it.

“We are not prepared to live in that society”, she said. Ms McKeown said that the time had come for Irish workers to demonstrate to the Government the power they really held. “That power is today on the streets of Dublin, it is in industrial action but most significantly it is at the ballot box. “If our Government and the elected politicians are not prepared here and now to pledge that they will act now and act on our behalf and act on the proposals we have placed before them then you must be prepared to deny them even a single vote and to send that message out loud and clear,” she said.

Mr Begg said the reputation of the country had been almost irreparably damaged by what had been done so far. “There is only one action that will correct that and that is to clean out the Augean stables completely and be rid of them all,” he said. Mr Begg described the activities of people who led the banks as “economic treason”.

He said that the outside world did not see a vibrant economy in Ireland any more but rather an economy which was propped up by “crony capitalism” and nothing else.He added that the inadequacy of the public policy response to the current problems and to their causes had generated two overwhelming responses in the Irish public, fear and anger.

He said nobody was untouched by the spectre of unemployment. It did not matter whether people were young or old or had a university degree or a craft or nothing at all. “Nobody is safe and there is nowhere to go,” he said. Mr Begg said people who had been leaders of the banking system had also held directorships in other sectors.

It was incongruous that people who had presided over “huge failures” in one areas were able to maintain their positions in others.

Mr Begg said if the taxpayer was taking responsibility for the cost of the €300 million in loans to the 10 members of the so-called “golden circle” involved in investing in Anglo Irish Bank, then the people were entitled to know their identities at the very least.

Mr Begg also said that sooner or later – and he believed sooner – that the whole of the Irish banking system would have to be nationalised. “There is no other route to ensuring that we have an effective banking system in place and we cannot put off that decision indefinitely,” he said.

Mr Begg said commentators and business leaders had called on the Government to act unilaterally if necessary. However, he maintained that the Government existed “to look after the citizens of the country not just the business interests of the country”.

“If the Government acts unilaterally to the satisfaction of all those commentators who want it to do that. I would say be careful what you wish for,” he said.

Mr Begg also said history had shown that massive adjustment to economic conditions could only be achieved if there was social adjustment at the same time to ameliorate the effects on the population.

“If you do not do that, you will not be able to retain in this country any sense of social cohesion and the alternative is a social disintegration and retreat into protectionism, out of which we can only see great damage to our future and to our country,” he said.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.