
A round-up of this week's gadgets

A round-up of this week's gadgets

Kanz Field Power Desk

It’s not usually the best way to make the most of adventures in the wilds, but if you have to work on your travels, why not do it in style? This is a compact, portable, desk unit with built-in solar panels and charging options for a range of electronic kit. It’s all boxed up in a sharp-looking marine-grade aluminium outer around a Baltic birch case. It even comes with a neat LED light to power through your paperwork when you should probably be burning sausages around the campfire.

An integrated 120W/Hr. GoalZero Sherpa 120 power pack assures about three hours of juice for your laptop and even more for, say, a camera. The mono-crystalline solar panel recharges it in six hours. And there are a tangle of adapters and chargers that come as standard, while drawers offer storage for your gadgets. It's as good-looking a way to ruin a good time as you might ever find. Kanz Field Power Desk $1,995 from


Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover

Although many discover typing on touchscreen tablets a better experience than expected, there are few who wouldn’t opt for the tactile feedback of a real, clicky keyboard given the choice. Logitech has knocked out an interesting alternative: an ultrathin cover, with a good-sized real keyboard on the inside that uses Bluetooth to pair up wirelessly and which works specifically with the iPad. In fact, it uses the iPad’s magnet clips not just to hold the cover closed, but also to lock it into place for typing. Other tablets can sit in the groove, but don’t feel as stable.

The outside of the cover has the same sort of aluminium finish as Apple’s and is available in black or white. Logitech claim the keyboard’s battery will give you two hours a day for six months.

Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover $99.99 from

Zip Wireless Activity Tracker

It’s a pedometer for the social network generation. The Zip tracks your steps, calories and distances, then syncs the data to your computer or smartphone so you can motivate (read: guilt) yourself into doing a bit more.

Or perhaps put it up to your ex-friends by sharing a challenge with them. It comes with apps that make this infuriatingly easy.

It's rain-proof, sweat-proof and the unit itself is neatly discreet for a pocket or can clip easily onto your day clothes or sports gear. Zip Wireless Activity Tracker £49.99 from