Irish Georgian Society to offer grant scheme for restoration works

Total purse of €50,000 available and grants will be awarded in two categories

The Irish Georgian Society has put out an open call for applications to its conservation grants scheme 2015 to provide financial support for works to structures of significant architectural merit. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Anyone who has ever embarked on a faithful restoration will know the lonely furrow they plough – long hours, expensive materials and sometimes little to show for it apart from the satisfaction of having conserved a little piece of heritage.

Any additional help – particularly of the financial variety – is always welcome, so news that the Irish Georgian Society, through the support of its London chapter, is to offer its grants scheme here for the second year running will be well received. The society is putting out an open call for applications to its conservation grants scheme 2015 to provide financial support for works to structures of significant architectural merit. A total purse of €50,000 is available and grants will be awarded in two categories.

One core grant is for a larger project considered of particular importance and which would especially benefit from the support of society, and smaller grants are for projects such as the repair of roofs, fanlights, doorcases, ironwork, historic stained glass windows, decorative plasterwork etc and for the provision of essential conservation advice.

Expressions of interest providing general details of proposed conservation projects should be submitted to the Irish Georgian Society by April 6th. A shortlist will be chosen about which more detailed information will be sought. A final decision will be reached in June. Guidelines and an application form can be downloaded at, and from IGS, City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2.