Parents: Are you concerned about access to childcare post-Covid?

Will your provider reopen? Are you worried about being able to return to work?

If full-time childcare is not available, what pressures will this put on your family, and your ability to work? Photograph: iStock

Juggling work at home alongside schooling and caring for children has been a reality for most families in Ireland since schools and childcare facilities closed in March. As the country reopens following the Covid-19 lockdown, many employees are returning to workplaces without access to childcare. The Government has announced a support package to help childcare providers, but there's a question over how many facilites will actually reopen this summer, and capacity and social distancing issues come September, especially if children only return to school a few days per week.

The Irish Times would like to hear from parents. Are you concerned about access to childcare for your kids? Has your provider indicated that they will be in a position to reopen, and if so, when and with what changes? If full-time childcare is not available, what pressures will this put on your family, and your ability to work? If you have a childminder who takes care of your children in your home or theirs, are you concerned about those arrangements? If you are a childcare provider, do you plan to reopen, and do you have concerns about social distancing measures, costs, staffing or other issues?

You can share your experiences and views using this form. A photograph is optional.

A selection of responses may be published in The Irish Times, or a journalist may contact you for further information.


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