Swingeing fines have been imposed by the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) on landlords for breaching rent pressure zones (RPZ) limits.
The RTB returned €338,000 in overcharged rent to tenants and fined the landlords in question €60,000.
In rent pressure zones, which now cover most of the State, an increase in rent cannot exceed the rate of inflation by more than 2 per cent. This applies to new and existing tenancies unless an exemption is applied. The RTB has a calculator on its website for landlords to calculate rent increases.
The largest fine was imposed on Dara Ní Fheorais, no address given, who was fined €3,963.76 for a failure to comply with rent pressure zones at 2A Belarmine Drive, Stepaside, Dublin.
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Fines of €2,500 were imposed on the Galway Holding Company in Malahide, and on Golden Lane Properties in Dublin 2 for breaches of rent pressure zones at 20 Jameson Orchard, Seamount Road, Malahide and 10 Carrig House, Carrickbrennan Road, Monkstown respectively.
Muhammad Suhail Ahktara and Attiya Suhail of Glounthane, Co Cork were fined €2,000 for RPZ breaches at 58 Yewlands, Maryborough Woods, Douglas in Cork city.
Michael Mulligan from Kilcloon, Co Meath was fined €1,500 and €1,600 for failing to comply with RPZ limits for two apartments in Rye River Walk, Kilcock, Co Kildare.
Denis Cooper of Crookstown, Co Cork was served with a written caution for failure to comply with RPZ requirements on five properties in Cork city.
Over 85 per cent of the 76 sanctions for improper conduct published to date are for breaches of RPZ limits. Most of the rest were for a failure to register a tenancy with the RTB.
This is the third time that the RTB has published sanctions since it was granted regulatory powers to investigate and sanction landlords who breach aspects of rental legislation in 2019.
RTB director Niall Byrne said “neglectful and badly-intentioned landlords” are damaging the reputation of the sector and causing harm to tenants.
“The RTB is committed to ensuring that these people are identified and are held to account for their improper conduct,” he said.