Fans of dreamy, hazy indie pop will already have come across this LA band. Wildcat! Wildcat! have all the right ideas and cast all the right shapes, turning out pop tunes full of melodic appeal. This has worked in their favour in the past and makes one suspect that No Moon at All will be a slick collection of songs and sounds. From a sonic point of view they certainly raise the right flags, with M83 producer Morgan Kibby helping polish and buff their dark, meaty, dramatic soundscapes with some elan. But in terms of songs, the band seem to have hit a wall, and there are few hooks that work beyond the merely functional. Garden Greys, Marfa and Hero are hugely attractive and point in the right direction, but there's little else of a similar standard here, with the band seemingly more interested in preparing moodboards than moving hearts and souls.
Wildcat! Wildcat!: No Moon at All