For such a low-key duo, there's been a lot of recent action and noise from The Knife, between their work on the
Tomorrow, in a Year
electro-opera to Karin Dreijer Andersson's adventures as Fever Ray.
Shaking the Habitual
is of a par with those unexpected operatic notes, an album of odd, enigmatic, bleak and alluring synth-noir shimmies and shakes. It's brash and vivid, clattering throughout with fiercely thunderous venom and intent as the duo take risks, go screaming into the night and get worked up about a host of environmental and gender issues.
Full of Fire
stomps and writhes with Berghain-like intensity, the 19-minute long
Old Dreams Waiting to Be Realized
is a feverish drone, and
Without You, My Life Will Be Boring
has echoes of
Silent Shout
's more accessible dimensions. This time out, though, The Knife are unapologetically playing for themselves.
Full of Fire
The Knife: Shaking the Habitual