Sun Trio - Reborn review: moving away from complexity

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Artist: Sun Trio
Genre: Jazz
Label: CamJazz

While most of his contemporaries are reaching for ever-greater complexity, thirty-something Finnish trumpeter Jorma Kalevi Louhivuori is moving in the other direction.

His Big Blue quartet blends folk and shoegaze pop with Garbarek and Miles Davis, into a pared back, wide-open-spaces version of the so-called Scandinavian sound.

Sun Trio’s sound, with brother Olavi on drums and bassist Antti Lötjönen, is sparser still.

Their fourth release describes an almost Beckettian landscape of glacial, deconstructed beats and emptied-out forms, that amplify Louhivuori’s lonely trumpet and carry it away like a sigh on the wind.


For those whose ears crane for that austere Nordic spaciousness of the cliché, the Sun Trio are taking it to its logical conclusion.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director