This disc was conceived as a collection of encores. It's got an Australian bias, because Piers Lane is Australian. And, partly as a result of that, it's unlikely anyone will know all of the pieces. Hands up anyone who knows even the first four: Katharine Parker's Down Longford Way (that's Longford, Tasmania); Alan Lane's Toccata (that's by Piers's dad); Anthony Doheny's Toccata for Piers Lane; and John Ireland's Ballerina (an early version of his Columbine). The choice has fallen most on encores at the fun end of the scale. Antony Hopkins takes Happy Birthday to You through any number of styles; Dudley Moore parodies Beethoven through Colonel Bogey; Alec Templeton updates Bach; Zez Confrey exercises his Dizzy Fingers. Not to worry – Piers Lane has the fingers needed for them all.
Piers Lane Goes to Town