With their 12th studio album, the indefatigable Neil Tennant and Chris Low are all loved up and determined to dance into their fourth decade as a going concern. Their previous album (Elysium) was a dreamy affair; Electric sees the band plugging into their early 1980s dance roots. Their pop chart days may be well behind them, but Electric should keep PSB on the dancefloor setlist for the foreseeable future. Opener Axis is a trancy instrumental built on Moroder-style rhythms and a spoken refrain of "Elecric energy". You're waiting for Tennant's arch tones to make their appearance, and he doesn't disappoint, filling Bolshy and Love Is a Bourgeois Construct with his usual steely irony. Thursday features Example on guest vocals, but the real tour de force is a cover of Springsteen's The Last to Die. petshopboys.co.uk
Download: Love Is a Bourgeois Construct, The Last to Die, Thursday
Pet Shop Boys: Electric