A slight name-change does not mean a change in direction for the band formerly known as Thee Oh Sees. They're still churning out the type of frantic head-down trashy garageband cheap thrills that they're known for, with single The Static God sounding like The Feelies' Crazy Rhythms being beaten into submission by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Proceedings have been beefed up a little with the addition of Paul Quattrone on second drummer duties. This drumming double-up sees the band engage with their more motorik side, and the levels of Krautrock have been turned up to 11 on most tracks, with the band at their most Can-esque on the driving, almost jazzy Paranoise and the Halleluwah-aping Cooling Tower. There are moments where it can sometimes slide into an unfocused, indistinguishable jam session that bloats the album out to unnecessary lengths, but ultimately Orc is the fun kind of chaotic monster mash that Oh Sees do best.
Oh Sees: Orc – motorik monster mash from band formerly known as Thee Oh Sees