Neil Young: Bluenote Cafe – Album Review

Bluenote Cafe
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Artist: Neill Young
Genre: Rock
Label: Reprise

Neil Young marked his reunion with the Reprise label in 1988 with an uncharacteristic blues and soul workout entitled This Note's For You – the title song was a none-too-subtle dig at sponsorship.

The album got a poor reception though I remember happily buying into his gutsy and energetic Blues Brothers routine.

A US tour followed and this 21-track double CD four vinyl album is pulled from those shows as part of his Performance archive series.

The good news is that Young and his Ten-Man Working band, including a meaty brass section, are definitely on the case.


The playing is sharp, punchy and full of energy.

Young keeps his meandering guitar solos in check and the songs, while not up there with his best, milk the genre with real panache.

The exception is a storming 19-minute Tonight's the Night but then that grim classic always is.