Teenage kicks like these never go out of fashion. Catalonia band Mourn are very much in thrall to sounds from way back in the day. In some hands, such nostalgia often becomes a fetish for retro purism, but Mourn has the gumption to go way beyond such notions. Their debut album, recorded in just two days, is a freak scene well worth diving into, full of masterful tips of the hat to influences (Pixies, The Ramones, Sleater-Kinney, early PJ Harvey) and delivered with youthful fever, restless energy and a large rub of angst. Your Brain Is Made of Candy has all these attributes in spades, but also has a powerful, magnetic pulse and a lovely, stroppy off-kilter momentum to keep you gripped. Dark Issues and Silver Gold are bracing, muscular examples of the band's no-frills approach to creating must-hear punk rock. facebook.com/ohmourn
Mourn: Mourn | Album Review