This may well be the giddiest album you'll encounter all year. Put together by Acoustic Ladyland and Polar Bear saxophonist Pete Wareham, Melt Yourself Down are a group of adventurous spirits making exhilarating, headstrong and wild party music. Named after an old James Chance album from New York's new-wave days, the band duck and dive into every alleyway off the main drag to create sounds that alter perceptions, rework perspectives and more often than not make you dance like a loon. As they push and pull from jazz, postpunk, Arabic riffs, hip-hop and futurefunk, MYD's master players kick out the jams with terrific, unfettered, thundering ferocity. Kushal Gaya's Fela-like chanting and hollering gives the album a distinctly offbeam narrative steer on occasions, but the swaying, swinging hooks and grooves will really knock you out.
Download: Fix My Life, Release, Camel
Melt Yourself Down