Foster the People: Supermodel

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Artist: Foster the People
Genre: Pop
Label: Columbia

It used to be that every band had to deal with the difficult third album syndrome, but these day it seems the second album slump has taken precedence. Case in point: LA trio Foster the People are still very much caught in the shadow of Pumped Up Kicks, the monster hit single which kick-started their career. Nothing else on their debut album (Torches) could match it, and that's also true of Supermodel. In fact, the attempts to fuse another hit of a similar scale means that much awkwardness ensues in the studio. Instead of relying on frontman Mark Foster's penmanship with hooks and melodies, Supermodel over-eggs the pudding at every turn with unpalatable riffs, unworkable plot twists and over-elaborate structures. When Foster & co keep it sweet and simple, as on the effortless cool of Best Friend, they're onto something. But that's the exception, not the rule.
Download: Best Friend