Barnett and Vile's collaborative record works because it is a fully realised vision, with a warm intimacy and shorthand. There is a sardonic slant put on the everyday, particularly on something like Over Everything, a song that Vile previously started in 2015 with Barnett in mind, and the fulcrum of that journey is all joyous louche-rock-in-space. With Barnett's gift for storytelling, and Vile's sense of unfurling, immersive melody, the record naturally wanders around drawling guitars, mellow percussion, and brilliant vocals that often resemble a singing conversation. Particular highlights include the jangling Let it Go, the swinging Blue Cheese, and the minimal Peepin' Tom, which sounds like old souls breaking new ground. As they sing of eccentric experiences on Untogether, they couldn't be more unified.
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile: Lotta Sea Lice – two lo-fi hearts beat as one