It's hard to be noticed if you're toiling away at a steady pace in the quiet places, which may explain why Stephen Wilkinson threw some different shapes on his last album (
Mind Bokeh
). What's interesting is that Wilkinson is now to the bespoke, pastoral, gentle electronica with which he made his name on albums such as 2009's
Ambivalence Avenue
. The producer has always had a penchant for folky, soft-toned soundscapes, and these hues by and large dominate
Silver Wilkinson
. While the atmospheric slide of
The First Daffodil
Dye the Water Green
are further blissed-out reverbs of Wilkinson's Ultramarine influence, the 1980s electropop reach of
Mirroring All
À tout à l'heure's
sunshine allure show Wilkinson spreading his wings again, albeit in a more measured manner than before. Solid rather than spectacular.
The First Daffodil, À tout à l'heure
Bibio: Silver Wilkinson