Some Girls (Deluxe Ed)
What was quite likely The Rolling Stones' last truly cohesive album is reissued in a Deluxe Edition format: this means an extra disc of bonus material (most of which won't rivet you to the ceiling) and a smartly-written essay on the album by US writer Anthony DeCurtis. Take these away and you have an album that was released (1978) just as punk was (temporarily) kicking rock'n'roll dinosaur acts to pieces. It is, by any standards, a fine album, let down only by the faux-disco of
Miss Youand the crude sexism of the title track. These flaws aside, tracks such as
When the Whip Comes Down, Shattered, Beast of Burdenand
Respectablefine-tune the sleazy/low-slung and aggressive nature of the band at their best, while the satiric country song,
Far Away Eyes, remains a bona fide classic of the genre. See
Download tracks: Beast of Burden, Far Away Eyes, Shattered