Beethoven: Violin Concerto; Britten: Violin Concerto

Janine Jansen (violin), Deutshce Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, London Symphony Orchestra/Paavo Jarvi Decca 4781530    **** The …

Janine Jansen (violin), Deutshce Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, London Symphony Orchestra/Paavo Jarvi Decca 4781530   ****
The enterprising Dutch violinist Janine Jansen (due to make her Dublin début in March), seems to have paired the violin concertos of Beethoven and Britten because both have openings which feature timpani.

Her approach to the youthful Britten has a visionary intensity that allows the piece to seem almost of the first rank. In the Beethoven Jansen evokes that overworked word, fresh. She is rhythmically lithe and alert, and in the wonderfully long first movement she thoroughly avoids the tradition of making the music sound religiose. Paavo Järvi is a sympathetic partner, adopting period-style delivery with the Bremen orchestra in the Beethoven, and full-blooded modernism in the Britten.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor