Dead dog farm

Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick St Mon-Sat 10am- 5.30pm, Sun noon-5.30pm Until Oct 29 091-565886

Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick St Mon-Sat 10am- 5.30pm, Sun noon-5.30pm Until Oct 29 091-565886

"A dead dog attracts the attention of both the worst and the best types of people," Magnhild Opdol notes of her exhibition title. Opdol comes from a Norwegian farming background, and her work has always shown a keen awareness of the way death is interwoven with life on the farm. Add to that the fact that her hometown, Sunndalsora, "is a friendship town of Twin Peaks", as made famous by David Lynch's surreal TV series. Opdol cites Lynch as an influence, together with the Dogmé film movement, Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami and Swedish crime writers.

The underlying toughness of Opdol’s vision complements her exceptional observational sensitivity. Spanning a range of forms and media, her beautifully made work lulls you into a false sense of security, even cosiness, but there’s always a sting in the tail.

Can't see that? Catch this


On Tenterhooks Millennium Court Arts Centre, William St, Portadown, Co Armagh Until Nov 29 048-38394415

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne is a visual arts critic and contributor to The Irish Times