Classical, Popular

The Swingle Singers, Town Hall Theatre, Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, 10 p.m.

The Swingle Singers, Town Hall Theatre, Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, 10 p.m.

Ooh-bee-doo-bee-doo. Yes. They're still around, the Swingle Singers, icons of the 1960s, when vinyl ruled, the Dansette was on the living-room floor and the Walkman wasn't even a twinkle in an oriental eye. Times have moved on. But have the Swingles? Galway is obviously the place to find out. Takacs String Quartet, St Nicholas Collegiate Church. Wednesday 22nd, 6 p.m.

The Takacs String Quartet have a long tradition of playing Bartok, and recently recorded his six quartets for the second time, in one of their first releases with their new half-British, half-Hungarian line-up. Bartok's gritty Fourth Quartet is the centrepiece of this Galway programme.

Maya Homburger (violin), Barry Guy (double bass) St Nicholas Collegiate Church, Thursday 23rd, 1.10 p.m.


Double bassist Barry Guy's improvisations are worth going out of your way for. They feature in this lunchtime programme along with recently composed music involving baroque violin (by Buxton Orr and Barry Guy).

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor