Four of Ireland’s leading employers have formed a “remote working alliance” to embed remote working within their organisations on a long-term basis.
Vodafone, ESB, eBay and Liberty Insurance announced details of the Remote Alliance on Monday. Established by social enterprise Grow Remote, the initiative is designed to “lead the way for other Irish employers to commit to long-term remote working”.
The purpose of the alliance is to build an Ireland where employment is accessible no matter where people live, it says.

Renate Kohlmann, director of Grow Remote, said: "We are delighted that four of Ireland's leading employers have come on board with Grow Remote to create the Remote Alliance.
“Remote working has the power to transform and reinvigorate local communities by giving people access to job opportunities regardless of where they live in Ireland. While the impact of Covid-19 was devastating, it brought about some positives.
“Individuals, employers, and communities have the opportunity now to take some of these positives and embed long-lasting, positive systemic changes that will transform communities around Ireland.”
“Companies are navigating the challenges and opportunities of remote and hybrid working, but there is no roadmap or tried-and-tested template for them to follow.”
The alliance will establish a forum of some of Ireland’s leading employers that want to make the transition to remote and hybrid working. The forum will be an opportunity for members to address the challenges and opportunities they have faced in implementing long-term remote working, as well as sharing their solutions and learnings with other members.
In collaboration with members, Grow Remote will also develop “a playbook” and other resources to reach a broader range of employers of all sizes and empower them to follow the remote working journey.
Anne O’Leary, chief executive of Vodafone Ireland, said the telco was “proud” to be part of the alliance.
“The impact of Covid-19 gave our organisation an opportunity to test, on a mass scale, what remote working would mean for us, and through extensive internal engagement, we are delighted to be committing to a long-term hybrid model of working,” she said.
“Our model will give our employees the flexibility they want, while maintaining the opportunity for social interaction and the collaboration and innovation that comes from being together in the office.”
Paddy Hayes, chief executive of ESB, said: "As we emerge from the Covid 19 pandemic, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to empower our people to work smarter, enjoy the benefits of an inclusive, flexible working culture and significantly reduce carbon emissions through remote and hybrid working.
“We’re looking forward to working with other like-minded members of the Remote Alliance to develop solutions that will ensure that remote and hybrid working can become a sustainable part of our business.”