Gro cracks baby comfort market with stylish thermometer

Tech Tools: Gro Egg 2 – which changes colour based on temperature – doubles as nightlight

Gro Egg 2: blue means baby needs a blanket

As a company, Gro has carved out a niche for itself among parents with simple but useful products. The Gro Clock, for example, is often credited among certain groups with preventing 4am wake up calls from three year olds who can’t tell the time, or keeping over-enthusiastic five year olds in bed. The Gro Egg 2 is more for the parents though. It’s a room thermometer – although it doubles as a handy nightlight – that will tell you at a glance whether you need to start layering up your babies.

Not only does it display the temperature on the front, but it also changes colour according to the temperature. Red means the room is a bit too hot, and it fades down from there. When it hits blue, the room is too cold. It’s bigger than the original version, and certainly looks more stylish. You can also mess about with the brightness levels should you want to use it as a nightlight. in new window ]