Harry Crosbie faces appeal setback in Liberties hotel plan

People Before Profit representatives lodge appeal against the 185-bedroom project

Harry Crosbie indicated last month that he hoped to begin construction work on the Liberties project at Vicar Street in the coming few weeks. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Developer Harry Crosbie is facing another setback in his hotel development plans for Dublin after two appeals were lodged against his eight-storey, 185-bedroom project in the Liberties. The property was awarded planning permission last month.

The appeals from People Before Profit TD, Bríd Smith, and party colleague, Cllr Tina McVeigh, come after Dublin City Council recently refused planning permission to Mr Crosbie to convert his home at Hanover Quay into a luxury boutique hotel.

Mr Crosbie indicated last month that he hoped to begin construction work on the Liberties project at Vicar Street in the coming few weeks with a view to opening the property in 2020.

However, that timeline has been thrown into question with the appeals lodged by Deputy Smith and Cllr McVeigh, and a second appeal by Louise Leonard.


The appeals case is due to be decided in June, although a backlog at the appeals board could see a decision delayed until later in the year.

The Smith-McVeigh appeal is accompanied by around 120 supporting names, with most holding addresses in Dublin 8.


Cllr McVeigh confirmed on Thursday that Mr Crosbie had made contact. She said: “We welcome the opportunity for dialogue with Mr Crosbie – dialogue that should have happened before this planning application was finalised and submitted.”

The new hotel is to create 80 jobs when operational. It is to be built by Walls Construction.

In the appeal, Deputy Smith and Cllr McVeigh urge planners to refuse permission to any further developments that do not positively contribute to the stock of residential housing.

They state: “This is essential if we are to solve the housing crisis on the one hand and retain the community, residential and urban neighbourhood character of the inner city of Dublin.”

A report accompanying the plans said the development would contribute significantly towards the implementation of a Core Strategy of the City Development Plan in respect of regeneration, urban design and economic and tourism development.

A spokesman for Mr Crosbie had no comment to make on the matter on Thursday.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times