Former Labour AG joins McKillen team for Barclay brothers battle

Former British Labour Attorney-General, Lord Peter Goldsmith has joined property developer, Mr Patrick McKillen for the latest…

Former British Labour Attorney-General, Lord Peter Goldsmith has joined property developer, Mr Patrick McKillen for the latest chapter of his battle with the billionaire Barclay brothers for control of three London luxury hotels.

The Court of Appeal hearing, which is expected to begin on Tuesday, will hear Mr McKillen’s challenge to a High Court judgement last summer in favour of the brothers.

The Belfast-born developer has been involved in a two year battle with the Barclays over the Berkeley, the Connaught and Claridges hotels, three of Londons prize trophy assets.

He will challenge the High Court’s ruling that financier, Mr Derek Quinlan and the Barclays did not breach pre-emption clauses in the shareholders’ agreement, arguing that some of Mr Quinlan’s shares should have been sold to him.


In the High Court, Mr Justice David Richards ruled that Mr Quinlan did not breach the shareholders’ agreement by transferring control, if not ownership of his shares to the Barclays in January 2011.

The addition of Lord Goldsmith – Labour’s longest-serving AG – to the McKillen legal team is a significant declaration of intent by the Belfastman, just days before the three to four day hearing begins.

He will join Mr McKillen’s existing team of Mr Philip Marshall QC, Mr Richard Hill QC and Mr Gregory Denton-Cox.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times