SDLP member defends stance on Police BillThere was a "clear water" between the SDLP and Sinn Fein on their approach policing reform in Northern Ireland, the SDLP Assembly…Fri Jan 19 2001 - 00:00
Evasive Lawlor escapes media in break for jailLiam Lawlor slipped unnoticed into Mountjoy Prison yesterdayThu Jan 18 2001 - 00:00
`It is dehumanising, certainly humiliating'"I felt disgusted with myself, totally isolated by what I had done and I knew I was going to be relatively isolated in prison…Thu Jan 18 2001 - 00:00
Good response to Trevor Deely TV appealUp to 80 calls were received by gardai on the case of missing Co Kildare man, Mr Trevor Deely (22), following Tuesday night's…Thu Jan 18 2001 - 00:00
Article by MI5 agent `vindicates' SF ministerA claim in yesterday's Observer newspaper that the British security service agent who said Mr Martin McGuinness had fired the…Mon Jan 15 2001 - 00:00
Legal action may follow resignation of RTE manRTE has confirmed that it could face legal action from a number of current and former employees following the resignation of …Mon Jan 15 2001 - 00:00
Copy of Proclamation auctioned for £52,000A copy of the 1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic, which it was once an offence to own, was sold at the weekend for a record…Mon Jan 15 2001 - 00:00
`Extreme concern' at lack of progress on halting sitesThe Irish Traveller Movement is "extremely concerned" at the lack of progress in providing Traveller accommodationThu Jan 11 2001 - 00:00
Traveller family mired in a sea of mud and ratsMr Pat Mongan (57) and his family were promised "emergency facilities" more than a year ago.Thu Jan 11 2001 - 00:00
Traffic light despite end of holidaysTraffic was lighter than expected yesterday morning as tens of thousands of children returned to schoolTue Jan 09 2001 - 00:00
GPs consider boycott of new drugs courtsGeneral practitioners who dispense methadone to heroin addicts are threatening not to co-operate with the new drugs courts, because…Thu Dec 28 2000 - 00:00
Addict hopes to be in from the cold soonPatrick (32), from Newry, Co Down, woke up to Christmas morning in a Dublin carparkWed Dec 27 2000 - 00:00
GPs complain at lack of vaccine warningFamily doctors say they were "totally unprepared" to deal with the flood of telephone calls since the Department of Health's …Thu Dec 21 2000 - 00:00
Patient is found dead in tunnelAt least four investigations will be carried out into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and death of former champion…Wed Dec 20 2000 - 00:00
Memorial to Dublin drug victims unveiledIt was essential that we were constantly reminded of the tragic consequences there could be when a problem such as drugs was …Sat Dec 16 2000 - 00:00
Number of people using centre for homeless doubles in a yearThe number of homeless people using a day-centre in central Dublin has doubled in the past year, according to the centre's annual…Fri Dec 15 2000 - 00:00
Rain in the livingroom a step up in the world for Whelan familyPatrick Whelan, his partner Marian and their five children have been in their latest accommodation for about three monthsThu Dec 14 2000 - 00:00
Man is evicted from his house by corporationA Dublin man at the centre of a battle with the corporation to stay in his family home was evicted yesterday morning.Wed Dec 06 2000 - 00:00
V de P says 200,000 people live in povertyPoverty is costing the Society of St Vincent de Paul £315,000 a week despite the levels of wealth in society, according to the…Tue Dec 05 2000 - 00:00
Fine Gael promises more social benefits for most vulnerable if returned to governmentOne week's paid parental leave, the extension of maternity leave to 20 weeks, £100 a month for carers and an increase in child…Fri Dec 01 2000 - 00:00
Number sleeping rough in Dublin rises by 60%The number of people sleeping rough in Dublin city centre has grown by more than 60 per cent in three years, figures released…Wed Nov 29 2000 - 00:00
Syphilis epidemic hits cityDublin is experiencing a syphilis epidemic, according to a consultant in the State's main Sexually Transmitted Diseases clinic…Tue Nov 28 2000 - 00:00
New cases show 100% increase on last yearThe number of new AIDS cases in the Republic this year will be the largest recorded, and shows a more than 100 per cent increase…Tue Nov 28 2000 - 00:00
Dublin man to be evicted from family homeDublin Corporation is to evict a man from his family home on Wednesday. He has been offered no alternative accommodation.Mon Nov 27 2000 - 00:00
Union officials to meet Molloy for talks on crisisTaxi-drivers' representatives expect to meet the Minister with responsibility for their industry, Mr Bobby Molloy, next Tuesday…Fri Nov 24 2000 - 00:00
`Dramatic' rise in homeless in B&BsThere has been an "enormous and dramatic" increase in the use of B & Bs as emergency accommodation for homeless people in…Thu Nov 23 2000 - 00:00
`Potentially explosive' situation in child servicesDangerous working conditions, an ad-hoc approach to decision-making, cynicism and frustration among staff and "potentially explosive…Tue Nov 21 2000 - 00:00
Child social-care workers press for more payChild social-care workers in the eastern region are to seek improvements in pay and conditions next week.Tue Nov 21 2000 - 00:00
Overseas drive for childcare staffThe Eastern Regional Health Authority is hoping to recruit childcare workers in New Zealand and the United States, The Irish …Mon Nov 13 2000 - 00:00
Call for earlier work for asylum-seekersAsylum-seekers should be given the right to work sooner than they are at the moment, the Tanaiste has said.Tue Nov 07 2000 - 00:00
Old Meath Hospital to be used for emergency homelessThe Meath Hospital in Dublin, which closed in June 1998, is to be partially reopened as emergency accommodation for homeless …Tue Nov 07 2000 - 00:00
Cullen blames local bodies for flood defence delayThe construction of flood defences around the State is being hampered by the time local authorities are taking to agree on local…Tue Nov 07 2000 - 00:00
Groups in favour of choice plan to lobbyA campaign against a third abortion referendum, and in favour of legislation, is to be organised as a collaborative effort by…Mon Nov 06 2000 - 00:00
Drug rehab project has positive resultsImproved and increased co-operation between the business and the voluntary sectors could transform the drug-users of today into…Sat Nov 04 2000 - 00:00
Olympic heroes bring home the goldThe baggage carousels at Dublin Airport came to a halt yesterday as baggage-handlers joined builders, airline clerks, passengers…Thu Nov 02 2000 - 00:00
Children detained at Trinity House repeatedly found affected by cannabisA number of children at a special school for young offenders have been repeatedly found under the influence of cannabis, the …Thu Nov 02 2000 - 00:00
Paralympians will arrive at Dublin Airport at noon to official welcomeIreland's Paralympians will return to Dublin Airport this afternoon from the games in Sydney.Wed Nov 01 2000 - 00:00
Irish teacher gets record book dealA Co Wexford schoolteacher has just won the largest advance paid to an unknown writer in Britain and looks set to knock Harry…Tue Oct 31 2000 - 00:00
Cold, wet and windy weather to continueThe "unseasonably cold, wet and windy" weather will continue over the next week, according to Met EireannTue Oct 31 2000 - 00:00
Residents face eviction orders as auction of homes cancelledAbout 100 Dublin residents who had expected to face homelessness yesterday now face eviction orders from the courts.Thu Oct 26 2000 - 01:00
Child crime measures come in for criticismIt will be 20 years before the forthcoming Children's Bill has any impact on the lives of dysfunctional young people, according…Thu Oct 26 2000 - 01:00
Editor of `Sunday Independent' apologises for offence to disabledAn apology from the editor of the Sunday Independent for the "distress and offence" caused by one of the newspaper's columnists…Wed Oct 25 2000 - 01:00
Editor defends Synon's right to her opinionThe Minister for Sport, Recreation and Tourism, Dr McDaid, has joined in widespread condemnation of views expressed by a Sunday…Tue Oct 24 2000 - 01:00
Voluntary groups call for welfare increases in BudgetIncreased social welfare payments and a narrowing of the gap between rich and poor were demanded by voluntary groups in pre-budget…Tue Oct 24 2000 - 01:00
Major immunisation plan announcedSome 95 per cent of babies born from today will be immunised against a strain of meningitis under what is said to be the most…Wed Oct 04 2000 - 01:00
25% of youths in care end up in jailA quarter of young people who have left health board care and 65 per cent of those who have left special schools were imprisoned…Wed Oct 04 2000 - 01:00
Boys' funerals postponed as search continues for father's bodyThe search for the body of Mr Stephen Byrne, who has been missing since his car was found in the sea in Co Wexford, enters its…Tue Oct 03 2000 - 01:00
Information sought on cars used in raidGardai are investigating the movements of two cars used in a robbery early yesterday morning in Coolock, Dublin, during which…Tue Oct 03 2000 - 01:00
Employers urged to give jobs to former addictsEmployers will be encouraged to employ former heroin users as part of an awareness and fund-raising campaign announced in Dublin…Sat Sept 30 2000 - 01:00
Man questioned over runaway girlGardai in Mullingar and Longford are to interview a 28-year-old midlands man again in connection with the disappearance of a …Fri Sept 29 2000 - 01:00