How Microsoft wooed a long-time Apple userKarlin Lillington: The beautiful Surface Book’s form marries impressively with functionThu Jun 09 2016 - 01:00
Privacy Shield about as useful as Captain America’s shieldData protection and privacy agreement for EU citizens falls far shortThu Jun 02 2016 - 01:00
Digital data deal with US must prioritise vulnerable citizensEuropean Parliament to vote on Privacy Shield agreementThu May 26 2016 - 15:26
There isn’t a single app on my tablet or phone that I don’t resent or mistrustAnnoying and sneaky apps deliberately lie to youThu May 19 2016 - 02:00
Net Results: Lax archival law allows ‘digital black hole’Call for so-called ‘legal deposit’ to cover digital items as well as printThu May 12 2016 - 01:00
US law on global hacking will puncture Privacy ShieldUS supreme court’s action would allow FBI to hack into computers and devices worldwideThu May 05 2016 - 07:05
European Court of Justice is human rights RottweilerECJ has gone from being almost invisible to giving the US government a good, hard shakeThu Apr 28 2016 - 01:00
Karlin Lillington: Why LinkedIn needs to go awayProfessional network and mobile-based plane tickets today’s most aggravating techThu Apr 21 2016 - 10:38
How real is the threat of cyberterrorism?Former FBI agent Andre McGregor says Iran and Islamic State pose the greatest dangerThu Apr 14 2016 - 01:30
Succession of amnesties the real issue in US tax dodgesMost effective way for US government to prevent inversions is to change its own rulesThu Apr 14 2016 - 01:00
Hypocritical tech firms happy to do business in oppressive regimesTaking a high-profile stance in America is a moral indignation loss leaderThu Apr 07 2016 - 01:00
Deadlier trojans pave way for major bank fraudNew malware operated remotely neutralises usual anti-fraud controlsThu Mar 31 2016 - 10:00
FBI move against Apple set an alarming precedentFBI had wanted Apple to create weakened version of its iPhone software to aid its attempts to unlock gunman’s phoneThu Mar 31 2016 - 07:51
Car hacking danger grows with move to autonomous vehiclesEmergence of connected, non-human controlled cars is giving rise to unforeseen dangers, US experts believeThu Mar 31 2016 - 02:00
Twitter invites absurdity to its 10th profit-free birthdayDespite its popularity Twitter cannot get its mojo togetherThu Mar 24 2016 - 01:00
Impossible to overstate influence of Intel’s Andy GroveDriven and restless Hungarian refugee was former president, chairman and CEO of IntelTue Mar 22 2016 - 14:50
UK Bill a serious concern for privacy and data protectionThe Bill if passed would allow the UK reach into companies based outside its territoryThu Mar 17 2016 - 10:38
Rise of the machines: the threat posed by growing connectivityAn IT security expert has some dire warnings about our brave new worldThu Mar 17 2016 - 08:00
Internet of things may create a world of legal issuesAs more items get ‘connected’, determining liability may prove a challenge for lawyersThu Mar 10 2016 - 01:00
Encryption wars in spotlight after FBI battle with AppleAn unprecedented array of political, security and military officials attend RSA conferenceThu Mar 10 2016 - 01:00
Former US intelligence director backs end-to-end encryptionIntroducing weakened iOS code would be like ‘creating a bacterial biological weapon’Fri Mar 04 2016 - 08:12
Firms need more focus on detecting IT attacks, event hearsRSA conference told many companies too concerned with outdated securityThu Mar 03 2016 - 14:29
US ‘guarantees’ show that proposed Privacy Shield will not protect EU dataRenegotiated agreement between European Commission and US lacks substanceThu Mar 03 2016 - 01:00
‘Irresolvable tension’ exists in data retention, conference toldExperts say governments want to collect data, but are not focused on adequately protecting itWed Mar 02 2016 - 20:51
Google: EU’s data protection authorities have “absolute focus” on privacyMultinationals ready to implement EU’s incoming data protection regulationWed Mar 02 2016 - 09:35
‘There is no technology more important than encryption’Microsoft president defends need to keep governments from weakening technologiesWed Mar 02 2016 - 08:11
Ethical issues are tripping up tech firms and the backlash can be abysmalAs we race towards new tech there is a need to listen to the philosopher’s take on the impact of new ideasThu Feb 11 2016 - 06:00
Amazon inserts clause indemnifying them in event of zombie apocalypseMost people blissfully unaware of terms and conditions for new apps or softwareThu Feb 11 2016 - 01:00
The real debate: canines or felines?Forget the Irish and US elections. The big question is whether dogs or cats are the superior species. A new TV programme attempts to bring scientific rigour to the question, a feline fan and a canophile argue the pointFri Feb 05 2016 - 16:01
Privacy Shield: a safe harbour for EU data?Transatlantic data protection package is still just a proposed framework, not a done dealThu Feb 04 2016 - 01:00
Firms getting anxious about data transfersEU and US have radically different views on privacyTue Feb 02 2016 - 01:00
An epic fail for Ireland’s data protection lawsGsoc’s demand for call records was carried out in direct opposition to the European Court of JusticeThu Jan 28 2016 - 06:30
Journalists, this GSOC story isn’t all about you, you knowThe media didn’t bother to scrutinise what was happening when it was about everyone else – this story is still about everyone elseThu Jan 21 2016 - 01:01
Citizens ‘need to be wary’ over personal dataMinister for data protection says trust remains low on protection of personal informationWed Jan 20 2016 - 18:19
Technology giant Oracle to create 450 new jobs in DublinCompany recruiting 1,400 people worldwide on back of cloud computing services growthThu Jan 14 2016 - 10:14
Data case has huge implications for personal privacyThe US’s attempt to access information in Dublin may change cloud computingThu Jan 14 2016 - 07:36
Teenagers risk being defined for life by their social media postsGrowing up on the internet involves constant management of a personal PR entityThu Jan 14 2016 - 01:00
No Irish need apply when it comes to UK online retailersIreland comes in well below the average in the EU for online shoppingThu Jan 07 2016 - 01:00
Privacy can no longer be a low-level, box-checking exerciseRecent court decisions, and legislation, will most likely affect everyone handling dataThu Dec 31 2015 - 08:00
Karlin Lillington: Facebook’s age of consent rule not worth a clickMuch-hyped parental permission rule is tiny part of EU data protection directiveFri Dec 18 2015 - 01:02
Net Results: California leads the charge for electric carTesla’s showcase store in Palo Alto has become a local entertainment must-seeThu Dec 17 2015 - 01:00
How ‘unnecessary journeys’ made Teresa Mannion go viralRTÉ broadcaster’s rain-drenched Storm Desmond report was the clip that kept on givingThu Dec 10 2015 - 01:00
Marriage of artists and technologists drives Pixar’s successRemoving barriers to creativity is key ingredient, chief Ed Catmull believesThu Dec 03 2015 - 06:00
Cyber Monday continues to spread to all of DecemberThe rather dull and predictable reality is that it is Thanksgiving weekend in the US, plus the entire month of December, that has gone “cyber” and sales-focusedThu Dec 03 2015 - 01:28
You better watch out: drone invasion is coming to townDrones need to be traceable and trackable, and laws enforceableThu Nov 26 2015 - 06:00
Lost for words? The emoji is a sign of the timesTwitter hearts and Facebook thumbs-ups are woefully inadequate for the tragedy of ParisThu Nov 19 2015 - 01:00
Lisbon’s political swing left hits Web Summit strategyHopefully, pledges will remain in place and promised infrastructure will stay on targetThu Nov 12 2015 - 01:00
Au revoir, Web Summit - it’s time for you to goOrganisers need to take it elsewhere to learn maybe some of their ‘problems’ are self-generatedThu Nov 05 2015 - 21:32
Time is of the essence at Web Summit panelsSociety Stage panels are generally given 35 to 45 minutes and the value of that extra time showsThu Nov 05 2015 - 10:19
How do you like your reality – virtual or augmented?Web Summit hears how Nasa wants to send astronauts to Mars with an immersive worldThu Nov 05 2015 - 08:24