Ceasefire likely to dominate first encounter between Adams, MowlamThe IRA ceasefire and mutual confidence-building measures will head the agenda when Mr Gerry Adams holds his first meeting with…Mon Aug 04 1997 - 01:00
Service tribute to bombing victimsAn interdenominational church service will be held in the centre of Claudy, Co Derry, on Sunday afternoon to mark the 25th anniversary…Fri Aug 01 1997 - 01:00
Flexible approach needed on peace process, says TrimbleThe Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) leader, Mr David Trimble, has stated it is still possible with a "more flexible approach" to …Sat Jul 26 1997 - 01:00
Robinson not amused by former Alliance chairman's 'gallows humour'An Alliance "gallows humour" suggestion that the parcel bomb sent to UK Unionist leader, Mr Robert McCartney, in Belfast should…Sat Jul 26 1997 - 01:00
Adams says unionists must not be allowed to set paceThe Sinn Fein president has stated that the unionist refusal to engage with his party "at this time" cannot be allowed to dictate…Fri Jul 25 1997 - 01:00
Army defuses `crude but viable' parcel bomb sent to UK Unionist Party leaderA crude but "viable" parcel bomb addressed to UK Unionist Party leader, MrFri Jul 25 1997 - 01:00
Loyalists, Protestant clerics press Trimble to talk to SFAs the Ulster Unionist leader, Mr David Trimble, ponders whether to accept or reject the Anglo-Irish decommissioning document…Wed Jul 23 1997 - 01:00
Broadcaster Vincent Hanna dies in BelfastThe Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, and the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, have paid warm tributes to the Belfast-born journalist…Wed Jul 23 1997 - 01:00
UK lottery denies decision made on Derry bridgeThe British National Lottery has assured cross-community activists inTue Jul 22 1997 - 01:00
Peace genuine, Hume tells loyalistsThe SDLP leader, in the face of unionist cynicism and criticism, said he believed the IRA ceasefire was genuine and that it would…Mon Jul 21 1997 - 01:00
UUP draws up plan for collapse of talksThe Ulster Unionist Party has prepared a contingency plan with the dual purpose of collapsing the current multi-party talks at…Mon Jul 21 1997 - 01:00
Trimble to meet Blair with Stormont talks in balanceThe Ulster Unionist Party leader, Mr David Trimble, will meet the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, at 10 Downing Street…Thu Jul 17 1997 - 01:00
Four injured as republicans feudA republican feud in Newry, Co Down, has led to four people being wounded in so-called punishment shootings in recent daysThu Jul 17 1997 - 01:00
DUP's deputy leader angered by hospital MassTHE DUP deputy leader, Mr Peter Robinson, has criticised the authorities who run the Ulster Hospital in Dundonald on the outskirts…Sat Jul 05 1997 - 01:00
Orangemen again urged to take the "high moral ground" and waive right to paradeTHE UK Unionist leader, Mr Robert McCartney, has again urged Portadown Orangemen to take the "high moral ground" and waive their…Sat Jul 05 1997 - 01:00
Former US judge's claims of RUC collusion in Tyrone killing deniedTHE RUC has denied a claim by a former US judge that police colluded in the killing of Mr Patrick Shanaghan, who was murdered…Wed Jul 02 1997 - 01:00
'Drumcree Three' can be avoided, Trimble saysANOTHER Drumcree crisis could be avoided, although the Garvaghy Road Residents' Coalition and the Orange Order appear deadlocked…Wed Jul 02 1997 - 01:00
SDLP mayor joins Dublin counterpart in commemorating Somme deadTHE SDLP Lord Mayor of Belfast, Mr Alban Maginness, and his Dublin counterpart, Mr Brendan Lynch, participated in a wreath-laying…Wed Jul 02 1997 - 01:00
Taoiseach to meet Mowlam in North todayDRUMCREE and the British-Irish compromise proposals on decommissioning are expected to be top of the agenda when the Taoiseach…Tue Jul 01 1997 - 01:00
SF told to condemn killingsA west Belfast weekly newspaper, the Andersonstown News, has urged Sinn Fein to break with precedent and condemn the IRA murders…Mon Jun 23 1997 - 01:00
Flanagan warns on escalation of IRA violence following murders in LurganTHE RUC Chief Constable, Mr Ronnie Flanagan, has warned that trouble is inevitable this marching season.Sat Jun 21 1997 - 01:00
Orange parades bid seen as tactic to stretch RUCTHE Orange Order appears intent on stretching the capability of the RUC to deal with any news Drumcree protestFri Jun 20 1997 - 01:00
"I wish this had never happened to you. The greatest Dad in the world"THREE year old Joshua Johnston was oblivious to the true nature of the dayThu Jun 19 1997 - 01:00
UVF attacks on prison officers add to tensionAN already heightened atmosphere in Northern Ireland has been exacerbated by UVF attacks on the homes of prison officers and …Thu Jun 19 1997 - 01:00
Everyone wonders why they did it as the old dread returns to the NorthTHE old dread is back in Northern IrelandWed Jun 18 1997 - 01:00
Drumcree settlement hopes fade as attitudes harden on both sidesTHE prospects of a compromise over Drumcree Three are becoming more and more remote even though the British government remains…Sat Jun 14 1997 - 01:00
Joint appeal by newspapers gets broad welcomeTHE appeal by two of the main newspapers in Northern Ireland for a compromise on contentious marches has been welcomed by the…Fri Jun 13 1997 - 01:00
Belfast council may take down flagsA DECISION has been taken to remove Union flags and pictures of the British monarch from Belfast City Council propertyFri Jun 13 1997 - 01:00
Fears over hunt for Bates killerTHE RUC fears that loyalist paramilitaries are trying to apprehend the person or persons responsible for the death of Mr Bobby…Fri Jun 13 1997 - 01:00
Queen makes a splash but so does the weatherQUEEN Elizabeth did not get the sunshine, but she did get a warm reception when she visited Northern Ireland yesterday.Thu Jun 12 1997 - 01:00
Ex-civil servant criticises DentonTHE former head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield, has admonished Baroness Dent on for her recent…Wed Jun 11 1997 - 01:00
17 killed during `Troubles' by plastic or rubber bulletsDURING the period of the "Troubles", 17 people, eight of them children or young teenagers, have been killed by plastic or rubber…Wed Jun 11 1997 - 01:00
"Provo ayatollahs" blamed after "punishment" victim loses legAN SDLP councillor has blamed the IRA for a so called punishment shooting after which a young Belfast man lost his right legMon Jun 09 1997 - 01:00
Police and loyalists in four hour street battle after band paradeSERIOUS VIOLENCE erupted in Ballymena following a parade of loyalist bands in the town on Saturday nightMon Jun 09 1997 - 01:00
Unionists satisfied Spring unlikely to be at talksUNIONISTS expressed satisfaction that it is highly unlikely that the Tanaiste, Mr Dick Spring, will be the main government representative…Mon Jun 09 1997 - 01:00
Former NI minister defends officialA FORMER Northern Ireland Office (NIO) minister has defended a leading Stormont civil servant, Mr Gerry Loughran, against criticism…Sat Jun 07 1997 - 01:00
Governments prepare plan to break NI talks impasseTHE Irish and British governments are preparing a joint paper calling for decommissioning to be addressed during substantive …Fri Jun 06 1997 - 01:00
Plea for parades dialogue by commission chairmanDIALOGUE and local accommodation must form the blueprint for breaking the deadlock over contentious marches, the chairman of …Fri Jun 06 1997 - 01:00
Nationalists welcome parade initiativeTHE Orange Order has described a letter sent to 1,500 nationalist residents on the Garvaghy Road as a "sincere and genuine attempt…Thu Jun 05 1997 - 01:00
`Gutless' criticism of RUC condemnedA SENIOR police representative has strongly suggested that politicians who utter "gutless" inflammatory criticism of the RUC …Wed Jun 04 1997 - 01:00
CAC, LVF are outlawed by MowlamTHE Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) and the Continuity Army, Council (CAC) of the IRA were outlawed by the Northern Secretary, …Wed Jun 04 1997 - 01:00
Mowlam does not rule out further talks with Sinn FeinTHE Northern Secretary, Dr Mo Mowlam, has not ruled out British officials continuing their talks with Sinn Fein, notwithstanding…Wed Jun 04 1997 - 01:00
All eyes on Trimble as talks rescue at StormontGEORGE MITCHELL returns to Belfast today to try to achieve a variation of what St Patrick did to the snakes 1,500 years ago: …Tue Jun 03 1997 - 01:00
Clinton call for ceasefire and SF role is welcomedPRESIDENT Clinton's call for a genuine and unequivocal IRA ceasefire and for Sinn Fein to be involved in inclusive talks sometime…Fri May 30 1997 - 01:00
8 loyalist prisoners to join LVF wing in MazeUP to eight loyalist prisoners, at least one of whom was previously aligned with the Ulster Volunteer Force, are expected to …Fri May 30 1997 - 01:00
Little progress at SF talks with British officialsSENIOR Sinn Fein politicians were clearly unhappy after their second encounter with British officials at StormontThu May 29 1997 - 01:00
RUC describes criticism by rights group as "naive"THE RUC has described as "naive" an international human rights report which claimed that poor policing" contributed to the violence…Thu May 29 1997 - 01:00
Unionists insist on strict "apartheid" at all party South Africa conferenceTWO senior unionist politicians, Mr David Trimble and Mr Peter Robinson, are to attend an all party conference on Northern Ireland…Thu May 29 1997 - 01:00
Multi-party talks to head agenda for Mowlam, SpringNEXT week's resumed multi-party talks and the marching season will be high on the agenda when the Tanaiste, Mr Spring, and the…Wed May 28 1997 - 01:00
Trimble terms Sinn Fein's record vote a blipA "BLIP" was how the Ulster Unionist Party leader, Mr David Trimble, explained Sinn Fein's record vote in the local government…Sat May 24 1997 - 01:00