IBM, Apple results ahead of expectationsComputer giants IBM and Apple caught the party mood on Wall Street last night with results ahead of expectations and cautiously…Thu Apr 19 2001 - 01:00
Nasdaq sees the point of converting to decimalisationThere was a landmark change this week for investors in one of the world's major stock markets, the Nasdaq, when it finally joined…Sat Apr 14 2001 - 01:00
Jurys Doyle bounces backJurys Doyle has rebounded from the foot-and-mouth induced slide last week and the latest guidance for investors is that it is…Fri Apr 13 2001 - 01:00
Eircom rated as short-term buyIt may be little consolation to Eircom shareholders but, with the extraordinary general meeting of the company to confirm the…Fri Apr 13 2001 - 01:00
Davy approves of Smartforce dealOnline learning group Smartforce's purchase of icGlobal this week found favour with Davy, which saw it as a positive deal for…Fri Apr 13 2001 - 01:00
Galen's prospects good, says brokerGoodbody has issued an effusive recommendation of one of its charges, Galen PharmaceuticalsFri Apr 13 2001 - 01:00
In hindsight, Charlie has gift of far sightAs grand openings go, it was hardly spectacular but the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, could be well pleased at the formal…Sat Apr 07 2001 - 01:00
Memorable issue for all the wrong reasonsIt wasn't a great week for CRH and it had nothing to do with revelations about directors' paySat Apr 07 2001 - 01:00
Suing for peace is no sport for businessIt was a depressing commentary on the business environment todaySat Apr 07 2001 - 01:00
Mary goes private on a public issueThe Minister for Public Enterprise, Ms O'Rourke, may have imagined she would touch a chord when she declared banks should pay…Sat Apr 07 2001 - 01:00
Revelations drive insurers into spinThe Irish Insurance Federation (IIF) has spent the week attempting to put a favourable spin on figures which undermine arguments…Sat Mar 31 2001 - 01:00
Analysts land in the bear pitThe grizzlies are stalking Wall Street. The US economy's heady 101/2-year flight may soon be no more than a fading memory.Sat Mar 24 2001 - 00:00
Organic fruit ousts jigsaws and ski-pantsBritish Conservative Party leader William Hague may have wished them banned forever but it appears the baseball cap is on the…Sat Mar 24 2001 - 00:00
Headline professions glean little sympathySome of the least loved professions hit the headlines this weekSat Mar 24 2001 - 00:00
Time to tell Britain to clean up its actA few short weeks ago, Ireland was on the wrong end of a very public scolding from our peers in the EUSat Mar 24 2001 - 00:00
Source of cash flow a source of trouble?One of the biggest headaches facing eurozone authorities in the run-up to the introduction of euro notes and coins next January…Sat Mar 10 2001 - 00:00
Brown budget suffers from charm deficitEven when he's presenting a pre-election giveaway budget, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown cannot quite let…Sat Mar 10 2001 - 00:00
Harsh words delivered to euro-sceptic authorThere was a certain irony this week in the euro-sceptic author Bernard Connolly turning to the European Court of Justice to seek…Sat Mar 10 2001 - 00:00
Shop around and save in long runThe first offerings under the new Government special savings incentive scheme have scarcely emerged and already it is clear that…Sat Mar 10 2001 - 00:00
McCreevy comes home to realityWhen is a U-turn not a U-turn? Give up? When it's a modificationSat Mar 03 2001 - 00:00
Slowdown creeps up on Uncle SamPoor George W must be wondering how he managed to take over the reins at such an inopportune timeSat Feb 03 2001 - 00:00
New three-day limit for investors to submit share certsA change of rules at the Irish Stock Exchange next week will test the fondness of Irish investors for holding share certificates…Fri Feb 02 2001 - 00:00
Budget giveaway to EU takeaway?Europe took us to task this week over what it sees as an irresponsible expansionary budgetary policySat Jan 27 2001 - 00:00
I told you so, says CharlieYou can hardly blame Charlie McCreevy for an "I told you so attitude" to the latest inflation figuresSat Jan 20 2001 - 00:00
Microsoft star shines a little less brightlyThis week marked the end of an era. For the first time, Microsoft failed to hit analysts' earnings targets.Sat Jan 20 2001 - 00:00
Caring Eircom shows its cold, cold heartIt's been a week of mixed fortunes for EircomSat Jan 20 2001 - 00:00
Techs take sharp turn into the unknownTechnology companies have had a rude introduction to the new yearSat Jan 13 2001 - 00:00
Direct route suits Aer Rianta customers bestFor regular travellers, there was a certain irony in Aer Rianta announcing plans for a £100 million (#127 million) loop line …Sat Jan 13 2001 - 00:00
It's win-win all the way for stockbrokersStaying with the idea that new technology merely translates more familiar rules to a new medium, US online stockbroker Datek …Sat Jan 13 2001 - 00:00
Sparks fly in power struggleIt's been a bad week for the ESB and its subsidiary, ESB Independent Energy.Sat Jan 13 2001 - 00:00
Wim's spirits rise with euroAfter his annus horribilis in 2000, European Central Bank president Wim Duisenberg has cause for celebration as the bank sees…Sat Jan 06 2001 - 00:00
Santa's little helpers axedIn this season of goodwill, it seems somehow inappropriate that it is Santa who should feel the squeezeSat Dec 23 2000 - 00:00
IDA Ireland's job strategy feels the pinchA mixed week on the jobs front for the Government, which has invested much energy in persuading incoming investors to establish…Sat Dec 16 2000 - 00:00
Analysts may be right or they may be wrongThere you have it. Analysts are certain we have hit a peak in the current inflation cycle with the rate resting at 7 per cent…Sat Dec 16 2000 - 00:00
Business giant gets set to roarHe may not have sprung many surprises in the Budget but the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, is certain to face criticism on…Sat Dec 16 2000 - 00:00
Markets cut straight to US presidential chaseThe markets have an amazing way of cutting through the bluster and posturing of election candidatesSat Dec 16 2000 - 00:00
Job in the bank holds its worthForget the Budget. The biggest winners from the State's largesse this week were the staff of TSB and ICC banksSat Dec 09 2000 - 00:00
McCreevy set to lose in BudgetThere are times when Charlie McCreevy must wish he could throw in the towel and find a less contentious post in the Government…Sat Dec 02 2000 - 00:00
Joining the millionaire's club isn't quite the sameAnother week, another handful of paper millionairesSat Nov 25 2000 - 00:00
Banks claim customer focus in cutting servicesIsn't it amazing how banks keep telling us how every diminution of service is down to their concentrating their efforts on the…Sat Nov 25 2000 - 00:00
Economic gloom lurks right on our doorstepsLooking at various economic forecasts out this week, it was interesting to see the struggle among commentators torn between pride…Sat Nov 25 2000 - 00:00
Taxi cartel runs out of roadwaySo much for social partnership. It appears these days that everywhere one turns there's another industrial disputeSat Nov 25 2000 - 00:00
Charlie lets the good times rollSpend, spend, spend... that seems to be the message in this week's EstimatesSat Nov 18 2000 - 00:00
Charlie feels inflation's pinchCharlie McCreevy has spent a lot of time this week talking up the economy and his performance to dateSat Nov 11 2000 - 00:00
ECB gets taste for interventionHas the European Central Bank got carried away with itself? Not content with a week in which the euro rose encouragingly against…Sat Nov 04 2000 - 00:00
B o I gives elderly access to homes' cashFull marks to Bank of Ireland for finally introducing a financial product long sought by people in this StateSat Oct 28 2000 - 01:00
CIE paying the price for cycle of errorsThe prospects of CIE nurturing enough public trust to replace the car as a mode of transport for city commuters are remote as…Sat Oct 28 2000 - 01:00
Aer Lingus float path remains up in the airWhile shareholders in a former State monopoly may see light at the end of the tunnel, the outlook for another State enterprise…Sat Oct 28 2000 - 01:00