EU postpones imposition of sanctions on US over steelThe European Union has drawn back from imposing sanctions on the US in response to Washington's steep tariffs on steel imports…Sat Jul 20 2002 - 01:00
Republic sceptical over EU staff callThe Government has responded with scepticism to a call by the European Commission for 500 new staff to help prepare for EU enlargement…Sat Jul 20 2002 - 01:00
Reform of CAP could threaten referendum outcome, says ParlonProposed reform of EU farm subsidies could threaten the outcome of the forthcoming referendum on the Nice Treaty unless the concerns…Sat Jul 20 2002 - 01:00
McCreevy urges more flexible understanding of growth pactThe Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, has called for a more flexible interpretation of the Stability and Growth Pact that would…Sat Jul 13 2002 - 01:00
Ireland to resist dilution of defence policy powersThe Government has told the Convention on the Future of Europe that Ireland will resist any attempt to dilute national control…Sat Jul 13 2002 - 01:00
Sharp clashes over future of EU foreign policyThere have been sharp clashes at the Convention on the Future of Europe over how the European Union's foreign policy role should…Fri Jul 12 2002 - 01:00
Reform will boost competition, says ProdiThe Commission President, Mr Romano Prodi, has said that a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will make European …Thu Jul 11 2002 - 01:00
Proposals acknowledge consumer interest-ByrneThe Commission's proposals represent a timely acknowledgement of the interests of consumers in EU farm policy, according to the…Thu Jul 11 2002 - 01:00
Commission delivers upbeat message as euro eyes parityEconomic recovery in the euro zone is proceeding as expected, according to a quarterly economic report by the European Commission…Wed Jul 10 2002 - 01:00
EU unbundling too slow, says MontiThe European Competition Commissioner, Mr Mario Monti, has condemned EU member-states for slow progress in liberalising the telecoms…Tue Jul 09 2002 - 01:00
Stronger euro key factor in ECB decision to hold ratesThe European Central Bank (ECB) has left interest rates unchanged, citing a stronger euro as a factor that is keeping inflation…Fri Jul 05 2002 - 01:00
New EU members to head agendaDenmark assumes the European Union's Presidency today for six months that will be dominated by the task of accepting up to 10…Mon Jul 01 2002 - 01:00
Second No vote could delay EU enlargement 'for years'A second Irish rejection of the Nice Treaty could delay enlargement "for years", Denmark's Prime Minister has warnedFri Jun 28 2002 - 01:00
Leaders agree major reforms to Council of MinistersEU leaders have approved a comprehensive reform of the Council of Ministers, one of the most powerful European institutions, …Mon Jun 24 2002 - 01:00
Finance ministers agree on EU budget strategiesEuropean Union finance ministers appeared last night to have avoided a damaging conflict with France by agreeing that a commitment…Fri Jun 21 2002 - 01:00
Prodi calls for change at top of Brussels structureTHE EUROPEAN COMMISSION: The President of the European Commission, Mr Romano Prodi, has called for a radical overhaul of the…Wed Jun 19 2002 - 01:00
Summit to clear up Ireland's stance on neutralityLUXEMBOURG : The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, has predicted that a declaration on neutrality at this week's EU summit…Tue Jun 18 2002 - 01:00
ECB signals interest rates rise as inflation fears biteWARNING: The European Central Bank (ECB) has given a strong hint that interest rates will rise soon, warning that euro-zone …Fri Jun 14 2002 - 01:00
ECB leaves rates unchanged and defends stability pactThe European Central Bank (ECB) has left interest rates unchanged but hinted that inflation, fuelled by wage rises, could provoke…Fri Jun 07 2002 - 01:00
EU guidelines delayed to avoid row with FranceEuropean Union finance ministers have postponed the adoption of this year's Broad Economic Policy Guidelines to avoid a row with…Wed Jun 05 2002 - 01:00
Genevieve Simenon to be sentenced in murder case worthy of her great-uncleBELGIUM: A Brussels court was due last night to sentence Genevieve Simenon, great-niece of the Belgian thriller writer, after…Tue Jun 04 2002 - 01:00
Ministers meet amid fresh signs of recoveryEU finance ministers meet in Brussels today amid fresh signs of economic recovery in the euro-zoneTue Jun 04 2002 - 01:00
Internet users' privacy threatened as EU directive is approvedThe Government is expected to come under pressure to scrap safeguards guaranteeing the privacy of Internet users, following a…Mon Jun 03 2002 - 01:00
Plan sees 8,600 cut in number of boatsUnder European Commission proposals, which must be approved by EU fisheries ministers, 8,600 fishing vessels would be withdrawn…Wed May 29 2002 - 01:00
No EU Plan B if second Nice vote is NoThe European Commission has insisted it has no contingency plan to press ahead with admitting new states to the EU if Ireland…Sat May 25 2002 - 01:00
Bruton critical of attitude to NiceFormer Taoiseach Mr John Bruton has said that Mr Charlie McCreevy, Ms Mary Harney and Mr Michael McDowell should not be invited…Fri May 24 2002 - 01:00
MacSharry rejects Commission's proposal to enhance policy roleEU: The Government's representative at the Convention on the Future of Europe, Mr Ray MacSharry, has rejected the Commission…Fri May 24 2002 - 01:00
Duisenberg warns on inflationThe president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mr Wim Duisenberg, has warned that inflation in the euro zone will be higher…Wed May 22 2002 - 01:00
Parties prepare to negotiate new coalition in the NetherlandsNETHERLANDS: In the Netherlands followers of the assassinated Mr Pim Fortuyn have chosen a new leader, as political parties …Fri May 17 2002 - 01:00
EU alerts WTO over sanctionsEU: The European Union has sent the World Trade Organisation (WTO) lists of products on which it could impose sanctions in response…Wed May 15 2002 - 01:00
Fortuyn's party could form part of next governmentNETHERLANDS: Dutch voters go to the polls today amid signs that the late Mr Pim Fortuyn's far-right party could form part of…Wed May 15 2002 - 01:00
Ireland not on song for Eurovision bridge buildingEUROPEAN DIARY: As national humiliations go, Ireland's failure to qualify for the Eurovision Song Contest on May 25th is fairly…Tue May 14 2002 - 01:00
Ireland to accept an exiled Palestinian militantMIDDLE EAST: The Government has agreed to accept one of the 13 Palestinian militants Israel allowed to go into exile after the…Tue May 14 2002 - 01:00
ECB hints rates may rise next monthBULLETIN: The European Central Bank (ECB) has expressed fresh concern about inflation in the euro zone, hinting that interest…Fri May 10 2002 - 01:00
Thousands file past slain Dutch politician's coffin to pay respectsNETHERLANDS: Thousands have paid their last respects to the murdered Dutch politician, Mr Pim Fortuyn, filing past his coffin…Fri May 10 2002 - 01:00
Dutch activist charged on Fortuyn killingTHE NETHERLANDS: Dutch prosecutors have charged an environmental activist with Monday's murder of the far-right politician, …Thu May 09 2002 - 01:00
Schroder voices concerns to Prodi over schnappsEUROPEAN DIARY: Meeting visiting heads of government is one of Mr Romano Prodi's routine tasks as President of the European …Wed May 01 2002 - 01:00
Court rejects case taken by terminally ill British womanBRITAIN: The European Court of Human Rights has rejected a terminally ill woman's appeal to allow her husband to help her to…Wed May 01 2002 - 01:00
Court rejects case taken by terminally ill British womanBRITAIN: The European Court of Human Rights has rejected a terminally ill woman's appeal to allow her husband to help her to…Tue Apr 30 2002 - 01:00
Schroder voices concerns to Prodi over schnappsEUROPEAN DIARY: Meeting visiting heads of government is one of Mr Romano Prodi's routine tasks as President of the European …Tue Apr 30 2002 - 01:00
Call for halt to EU trade with IsraelThe labour MEP, Mr Proinsias De Rossa, has called for the suspension of the EU's trade agreement with Israel in protest against…Thu Apr 25 2002 - 01:00
MEPs stop Le Pen press briefingFrance's far-right presidential candidate, Mr Jean-Marie Le Pen, pulled out of a press conference at the European Parliament…Thu Apr 25 2002 - 01:00
EU predicts Irish economic growth will slow sharplyEconomic growth in the Republic will slow sharply this year before rebounding in 2003, according to the European Commission's…Thu Apr 25 2002 - 01:00
Shift to the right likely to usher in period of consolidation within EUEUROPEAN DIARY: Nobody spoke but as we queued for our newspapers in Brussels' European quarter yesterday morning, it was clear…Tue Apr 23 2002 - 01:00
Inspectors find a radioactive leakRadioactive contamination has been leaking into groundwater under Sellafield nuclear power station from 50-year-old tanks containing…Thu Apr 18 2002 - 01:00
MacSharry rules out 'grandiose' agendas for new EuropeThe Government's representative at the Convention on the Future of Europe, Mr Ray MacSharry, has suggested that the body is unlikely…Wed Apr 17 2002 - 01:00
EU ministers name Greece's Lucas Papademos for ECBEuropean Union finance ministers have nominated the Greek central banker, Mr Lucas Papademos to succeed Mr Christian Noyer as…Mon Apr 15 2002 - 01:00
Inflation to average 4.25%, says McCreevyThe Minister for Finance has insisted that inflation remains likely to average 4Sat Apr 13 2002 - 01:00
Slovenia leads pack in NATO stakes but has second thoughtsEUROPEAN DIARY: From the medieval tower of Ljubljana Castle, now home to a virtual museum, you can see the entire Slovenian …Tue Apr 09 2002 - 01:00
Irish war memorial in Belgium is renovatedAlmost four years after it was inaugurated as a memorial to Irishmen who fell in the first World War, the Peace Park at Messines…Mon Apr 08 2002 - 01:00