Late Late Show requested Lisa Smith interview, family spokesman saysIslamic State supporter wants to speak publicly to ‘give her version of events’Sun Nov 17 2019 - 17:15
Supreme Court judge’s ‘very specific’ dietary choices outlined for legal staffPeter Charleton’s preferred fruit, coffee and oatcakes in list for judicial assistantSat Nov 16 2019 - 05:00
Hobnobs for bigwig: A judge’s strict dietary demandsDocument lists practical duties of Justice Peter Charleton’s assistant in precise detailSat Nov 16 2019 - 01:11
Trevor Deely’s image to be displayed on fast food delivery bags, sister saysMissing man last seen on late-night CCTV in 2000 after attending office Christmas partyThu Nov 14 2019 - 01:30
Lisa Smith’s media interviews may form basis for criminal chargesGovernment unlikely to confirm Smith’s return until she is already in the countryTue Nov 12 2019 - 21:54
Metal thefts from ESB stations double as gardaí announce crackdownInternational gangs travelling from country to country stealing valuable metal, gardaí sayTue Nov 12 2019 - 15:27
Judge excoriates State’s bid to avoid full legal costs in deportation caseApplication only served to add a day’s worth of costs to bill – Justice Richard HumphreysTue Nov 12 2019 - 03:00
Turkey to deport Lisa Smith and her daughter to IrelandIslamic State supporter and former Irish Air Corps member interrogated by Turkish officialsMon Nov 11 2019 - 20:28
Four men released without charge over alleged sexual assault of teenAlleged sexual assault occurred in Rathmines in early hours of Sunday morningMon Nov 11 2019 - 14:52
Youth mental health services in spotlight after Kriégel, Dún Laoghaire casesCommunity-based organisations offering services as State bodies struggleThu Nov 07 2019 - 02:43
‘Please remember Ana and keep her in your hearts’Boys sentenced but no psychological or other reasons established for Ana Kriégel’s murderWed Nov 06 2019 - 00:03
Ana Kriégel murder: Boys will be aged 27 and 23 at earliest release datesTrial judge says young age of offenders provides a substantial degree of mitigationTue Nov 05 2019 - 15:31
Ana Kriégel murder: Variation in sentencing of other serious child offendersIreland has seen only a handful of cases involving minors accused of murder or rapeTue Nov 05 2019 - 14:38
Ana Kriegel murder: Oberstown not used to handling convicted murderersBoys will likely do their Junior Cert there, it’s less common for detainees to sit Leaving CertTue Nov 05 2019 - 14:03
Ana Kriégel murder: What drove two teenage boys to murder a 14-year-old girl?What part did violent media, pornography and psycopathy play in the murderTue Nov 05 2019 - 12:30
Ana Kriegel murder: Boy A sentenced to life, Boy B sentenced to 15 yearsSentence for Boy A to be reviewed in 12 years; sentence for Boy B is due for review in 8 yearsTue Nov 05 2019 - 12:21
Teenager who cut woman’s throat had severe mental illnessBoy sentenced to 11 years had inflicted 10cm wound on Stephanie Ng’s neckTue Nov 05 2019 - 01:30
‘It was like he was in the horrors’: The story of a boy who tried to murder a woman in Dún LaoghaireBackground: Family says boy had been plagued by hallucinations and desires to killMon Nov 04 2019 - 12:00
Teenager sentenced to 11 years for attempted murder at Dún LaoghaireBoy was 15 when he attacked 25-year-old woman after they met onlineMon Nov 04 2019 - 11:27
Islamic scholar questions State efforts to repatriate Lisa SmithIrish Muslim Peace and Integration Council chair says involvement of Defence Forces is ‘extraordinary’Mon Nov 04 2019 - 11:16
Irish officials and special forces attempt to repatriate Lisa SmithSmith believed to held close to Syria’s border with Turkey by members of militiaSun Nov 03 2019 - 14:15
Geraldine Kriégel: Existing without murdered Ana 'a misery' to be endured for lifeVictim impact statement by Ana Kriégel’s mother tells of ‘the panic, the dread, the agonising wait’Wed Oct 30 2019 - 01:00
Sentencing over Ana Kriégel murder surrounded by complicated lawJust two other cases of children being sentenced for murder in modern times, court toldTue Oct 29 2019 - 21:20
Still no clear explanation for Ana Kriégel’s murder, court toldDetective says a number of factors suggest teenager’s death was plannedTue Oct 29 2019 - 21:10
Kriégel murder sentencing: Boy A admits causing Ana’s deathCounsel says Boy A has no personality disorder or mental illnessTue Oct 29 2019 - 18:15
‘Life without Ana is no longer a life’: Full text of Geraldine Kriégel’s victim impact statementMother of murdered 14-year-old delivers emotional address on behalf of the familyTue Oct 29 2019 - 14:29
Ana Kriégel’s mother tells sentencing hearing she was ‘love of our lives’Two boys convicted of murdering 14-year-old girl will be sentenced next TuesdayTue Oct 29 2019 - 13:17
Note praising 9/11 attacks found near Christchurch incidentTourist who informed gardaí about note warned not to speak of incident, says sourceTue Oct 29 2019 - 02:47
Political leaders condemn apparent arson attack on Sinn Féin TD’s carMartin Kenny spoke in support of centre for asylum seekers in Ballinamore, Co LeitrimTue Oct 29 2019 - 02:33
Suspect in Essex lorry deaths case said he was transporting biscuitsDriver from Northern Ireland is suspected of transporting trailer to Zeebrugge portMon Oct 28 2019 - 17:53
Essex migrant deaths: Armagh truck driver ‘part of global ring’, court toldConspiracy charges relate to ‘movement of a large number of illegal immigrants into UK’Mon Oct 28 2019 - 14:53
Irishman expected to be handed over to UK authorities in coming daysEssex Police seeking man in relation to deaths of 31 women and eight menMon Oct 28 2019 - 01:32
Cocaine in Ireland: ‘The average consumer is a farmer or nurse... It’s universal’Gardaí and drug workers say cocaine is being used in even the smallest rural villageMon Oct 28 2019 - 01:21
Gardaí seize truck cab in Essex deaths inquiryTractor and trailer confiscated by gardaí linked to Irish haulier based in Co MonaghanMon Oct 28 2019 - 01:17
Essex migrant deaths: UK police expected to interview Dublin suspectThree Irish people arrested connection with the deaths of 39 people are released on bailSun Oct 27 2019 - 17:04
Inquiry launched as Civil Defence uniforms appear on market stallsClothes were donated in 2017 to Waterford-based disaster relief charity for use in PakistanFri Oct 25 2019 - 01:20
Public asked for views on proposed ‘hate crime’ lawsIreland is one of the few European countries without specific hate crime legislationThu Oct 24 2019 - 18:20
Revenue seeks €200,000 unpaid taxes from Law Society ex-presidentSolicitor says he is stuck in ‘catch 22’ due to inability to receive legal aid paymentsWed Oct 23 2019 - 02:09
Bomb squad puts on show for crowd of tourists in DublinSuspect device near Christ Church Cathedral found to be flower and firework in envelopeMon Oct 21 2019 - 18:58
Analysis of suspect device near Dublin’s Christchurch Cathedral beginsEmergency services alerted after smoke seen coming from a bin by the Cathedral’s railingsMon Oct 21 2019 - 16:18
Garda and military plan to reactivate paramilitary sources ahead of BrexitIncrease in the secret service vote to be used to fund sensitive operations amid UK’s exitMon Oct 21 2019 - 01:27
Gangs stealing scrap metal to fund drug deals, Government toldState’s largest waste firm says workers too afraid to give evidence against gangsSat Oct 19 2019 - 02:55
Call for State to repatriate Lisa Smith in effort to understand radicalisationTerrorism expert says questions remain how Irish soldier became Islamic extremistFri Oct 18 2019 - 01:25
Gardaí treating attack on gay man as a hate crimeAttackers beat Marc Powers with weapons and called him a ‘f****t’Thu Oct 17 2019 - 16:33
Syrian group claiming to hold Lisa Smith attempts to sell interviews with herDundalk woman and her child are believed to be in custody of Turkish-backed militiaThu Oct 17 2019 - 01:26
McDowell ‘deeply uncomfortable’ with Soldier F prosecutionMan is due to go on trial in 2020 for murder of two men and attempted murder of four othersWed Oct 16 2019 - 20:45
Department to audit Goal as part of relationship ‘normalisation’Audit to examine oversight procedures board governance and fraud-reporting systemsWed Oct 16 2019 - 06:00
Citizenship ceremony judge calls for hate-crime legislationVacuum being filled with far-right ‘infiltrators’, particularly online, says McMahonWed Oct 16 2019 - 02:40
Direct provision protests manipulated by outsiders, judge claimsOughterard locals ‘used’ by outside elements pursuing political agenda, retired judge saysWed Oct 16 2019 - 02:35
Five held by gardaí over sophisticated insurance scamMore than 20 allegedly false claims lodged; Officers investigate slip and fall casesTue Oct 15 2019 - 13:22