Social services unable to guarantee safe foster careHiqa report finds vulnerable children going without visits from professionalsThu Nov 20 2014 - 18:26
Government will not oppose adoption birth cert BillPhilomena Lee backs law which would help women separated from sons and daughters by adoptionThu Nov 20 2014 - 08:14
Irish water charges cheapest in Europe under revised packageCapped charges mean average cost per litre will fall well below European averageWed Nov 19 2014 - 16:57
European-style controls could ease rent crisisWe’re Not Leaving movement says measures would limit rent increasesWed Nov 19 2014 - 01:00
Goverment considers ruling which found asylum system rules unlawfulMinister says new working group offers chance of creating a more humane systemTue Nov 18 2014 - 01:03
Students evacuated as bed bugs take up residence in TrinityPest control experts say parasitic insects are growing problem in Dublin areaMon Nov 17 2014 - 15:07
Opinion: Murphy’s ‘peaceful protest’ damages water charge campaignPolitical competition with Sinn Féin to blame for ratcheting up of protest tacticsMon Nov 17 2014 - 08:10
Philomena Lee gives support to new adoption billSeanad due to debate legislation which could give 50,000 adopted people the right to their birth certMon Nov 17 2014 - 07:42
Government officials rule out tax relief for childcareDr James Reilly says system of tax allowances would not benefit parents working in the homeMon Nov 17 2014 - 07:03
A day in the life at the State’s immigration offices‘I came here at 6am the last time and didn’t get seen. I was number 280 in the queue – I won’t make that mistake again’Mon Nov 17 2014 - 01:05
O’Sullivan ‘cannot offer more concessions’ to teachers’ unionsPlanned strike next month over reforms to affect up to 300,000 students and parentsSat Nov 15 2014 - 15:04
Analysis: Ruling a relief for policy makers but a blow for asylum seekersLegal case failed to establish that direct provision breaches human rightsSat Nov 15 2014 - 01:02
Government studies implications of EU “benefit tourism” rulingWelfare authorities may be able to refuse benefits to “economically inactive” EU migrantsThu Nov 13 2014 - 01:00
Alarm over use of security staff to restrain patientsInspector’s report says restraint should only be carried out by health professionalsFri Nov 07 2014 - 01:00
Mental health law review proposes end to forced ECTCurrent legislation allows treatment on patients ‘unwilling’ to consentThu Nov 06 2014 - 14:02
Shortfall in school funding can damage a child’s futureStudies show that high-quality tuition, smaller classes and support in schools can yield major dividendsTue Nov 04 2014 - 01:37
New law would give adopted right to birth certSenator Averil Power says adoptees have been ‘robbed of their identities’ for too longTue Nov 04 2014 - 01:00
Pupil numbers cited in decision to cut Moyross teaching postLimerick Diocese says department responsible for funding schools after priest called for gold to be soldMon Nov 03 2014 - 19:56
Childline warns night-time service may close due to fundingOver €1 million needed to ‘prevent 45,000 voices being silenced’, claims ISPCCMon Nov 03 2014 - 16:32
Limerick priest asks churches to sell gold to fund teaching postFr Tony O’Riordan from Moyross parish wants luxury goods sold to ‘help pay for an essential good’Mon Nov 03 2014 - 13:18
Hundreds of retired teachers hired despite jobless graduatesDepartment of Education powerless to prevent re-employment under equality rulesMon Nov 03 2014 - 11:27
Rehab chief Mo Flynn to receive salary of €140,000Charity says it is axing management bonuses and cutting pay for senior staffFri Oct 31 2014 - 10:47
Children with mental health issues admitted into adult unitsMental Health Commission warns against ‘unacceptable’ practiceFri Oct 31 2014 - 08:59
New website aims to promote transparency in charitable will help donors evaluate charities before they hand over moneyThu Oct 30 2014 - 20:09
‘We can’t descend to mob rule,’ Waterford anti-racism rally hearsMost agree that actions of anti-Roma protesters do not represent views of majorityThu Oct 30 2014 - 08:57
‘Misinformation’ spread about Roma through FacebookAbout 100 people gather in Co Waterford to demonstrate against anti-Roma protestsWed Oct 29 2014 - 21:46
Getting people back to quality jobs is a major challengeAnalysis: Unemployment is falling – but the scars of the economic crisis remainWed Oct 08 2014 - 10:01
What would you do with €160m if you were the Minister?Online poll: Options range from reducing income tax to funding better childcare...Tue Oct 07 2014 - 19:20
Department vetoes President invite to asylum centre eventAthlone Community Radio issued invitation to Higgins to be interviewed by asylum seekersTue Oct 07 2014 - 09:15
Subsidised after-school care places not taken upJust over 100 children in scheme that was due to offer ‘upwards of 6,000’ placesTue Oct 07 2014 - 06:53
‘I would love to work full-time – but I can’t afford to’Ellen Doyle says the cost of childcare is a major barrier to parents returning to workTue Oct 07 2014 - 01:00
Planning law did not deliver on vision of creating socially mixed communitiesOnly a fraction of social and affordable homes were ever deliveredThu Oct 02 2014 - 01:00
New law means builders must provide social housing10 per cent of units in new estates or apartment complexes wil be set aside for social useThu Oct 02 2014 - 01:00
Partnership between ‘The Detail’ and voluntary groups receives £500,000 grant aidData journalism project to shed light on vital public services in Northern IrelandThu Oct 02 2014 - 01:00
Minister backs paid child leave for fathersMove would let fathers play more active role in family life, says FitzgeraldTue Sept 30 2014 - 09:42
Tánaiste calls on employers to introduce ‘living wage’New commission on low pay will advise Government on pay increasesMon Sept 29 2014 - 01:00
Welfare versus work: Does it pay to take up a low-paid job?Studies suggest most are better off at work – but the cost of childcare is a major challengeMon Sept 29 2014 - 01:00
Minimum wage, maximum outrageA heated debate is brewing on whether a living wage would kill jobs or protect workersSun Sept 28 2014 - 08:00
What is a living wage?The minimum wage in Ireland is €8.65, but €11.45 is needed to provide an acceptable standard of living, say campaignersFri Sept 26 2014 - 15:15
The living wage: should €11.45 an hour be the new minimum?Unemployment is falling and the economy is expanding. But after six years of recession a job is no longer a guarantee of making ends meetFri Sept 26 2014 - 01:00
The cleaner: 'Rent is soaring. Bills are going up'We spoke to Sean McNamara as part of our Living Wage seriesFri Sept 26 2014 - 01:00
Child speech therapy services ‘a lottery’Report says young people missing out as system struggles to cope with demandMon Sept 22 2014 - 01:00
Father regrets ‘missed opportunities’ to help autistic son learn to talkDue to lack of funds, John McDonald was unable to access vital speech therapy to which his son, Seán, was legally entitledMon Sept 22 2014 - 01:00
Mounting protests by asylum seekers over delaysGovernment working group meets for first time to review direct provision systemFri Sept 19 2014 - 01:00
State fears alternative to direct provision will attract asylum seekersMinister says system is ‘inhumane’ but says changes will require Government supportThu Sept 18 2014 - 02:00
Direct Provision: ‘There is no’s very difficult’Raising children in asylum centres can be a challenge for many parentsThu Sept 18 2014 - 02:00
Children’s services under threat, warns agency chiefAgency requires an extra €45 million next year just to keep services at standstillTue Sept 16 2014 - 02:20