Private school enrolments are on the rise as economy recoversNew figures show pupil numbers in fee-paying schools are set to reach boom-time highsMon May 29 2017 - 01:00
Students to get ‘living portfolios’ aimed at boosting job prospectsDCU initiative part of trend among universities to focus on employability of graduatesWed May 24 2017 - 13:22
New University of Limerick chief to deal with damaging allegationsPresident says ‘anaemic’ management may have played role in way claims handledTue May 23 2017 - 01:00
University of Limerick review based on at least a dozen allegationsCollege’s governance, human resources and financial practices to be examinedSun May 21 2017 - 19:06
Teachers at Deansgrange school feel ‘betrayed’ over sale of pitchesAnger among parents as 7.5 acres of land at Clonkeen College is to be put up for saleFri May 19 2017 - 10:38
ASTI members face pay cuts of €2,500 if cover withdrawnWarning from Department of Education ratchets up tension in long-running disputeFri May 19 2017 - 01:00
Just 2% of school-leavers taking apprenticeships, committee hearsLow take-up contrasts with Germany where 60% of students take up ‘earn-and-learn’ optionsTue May 16 2017 - 20:46
University of Limerick inquiry raises wider questionsClaiming expenses: ‘If you were on the VIP list you played by different rules’Tue May 16 2017 - 01:00
Universities resisted declaring tens of millions in assetsAudits also reveal extra payments to staff and non-compliance with procurement rulesTue May 16 2017 - 01:00
Ask Brian: Will my US teaching qualification be recognised in Ireland?The Teaching Council determines if qualifications meet criteria under Irish legislationTue May 16 2017 - 00:00
Teaching time in key subjects to be cut for wellbeing classesFianna Fáil labels as ‘ridiculous’ reduction in the teaching hours for German and FrenchMon May 15 2017 - 08:25
New law to crack down on ‘essays for sale’Minister for Education Richard Bruton: move vital to ensure level playing field for studentsMon May 15 2017 - 00:01
Government outlines independent review of ULUniversity of Limerick’s governance, HR and financial practices to be investigatedFri May 12 2017 - 19:42
ASTI members to lose thousands of euro even if action suspendedDepartment tells union ‘boat has sailed’ over retrospective pay worth some €3,000 per teacherFri May 12 2017 - 13:21
Humanism to be taught in Educate Together primary schoolsPupils to learn about the non-religious belief system humanism, atheism and agnosticismThu May 11 2017 - 19:50
Leaving Cert language students ‘struggle with basic vocabulary’State examiners criticise the decision of some secondary pupils to take higher-level examsThu May 11 2017 - 06:00
Vulnerable lives: five children who died while in contact with social servicesCase reviews flag missed opportunities, poor practice and pressure on social workersWed May 10 2017 - 22:20
Almost 150 young people known to social services have died since 2010Deaths reveal pressure facing social work departments, says independent reportWed May 10 2017 - 15:12
UL inquiry examines €150,000 payment to lecturer over ‘inappropriate touching’Former staff member alleged to have made sexual references in classTue May 09 2017 - 21:49
ASTI stance is affecting school choice, principals sayAssociation claims the union’s brinkmanship risks derailing the education systemTue May 09 2017 - 01:01
Ask Brian: My daughter is stressed and unsure of her CAO choices. What should she do?There is plenty of time after the exams to finalise options for third-level studyTue May 09 2017 - 00:00
JP McManus spends €32m on college scholarships for low income studentsAll-Ireland programme open to 125 less well-off students annually over next decadeFri May 05 2017 - 06:51
University of Limerick faces inquiry into misconduct allegationsGovernment to order independent review after bullying and irregular expenses claimsFri May 05 2017 - 01:00
Minister plans fresh consultations over ‘baptism barrier’Richard Bruton signals further discussions over 'complex' issuesThu May 04 2017 - 21:31
Educate Together to run two new Dublin primary schoolsPatronage announced for four schools will create more than 1,700 new placesThu May 04 2017 - 16:21
Grassroots bid to suspend ASTI action demands special conventionLeadership has criticised move and urged teachers to respect previous ballotWed May 03 2017 - 20:08
Irish universities punch above weight for innovationState’s three institutions in Reuters top 100 the best result in Europe on per capita basisWed May 03 2017 - 16:15
Student loan scheme would ‘not hinder access’ to college among poorer studentsOireachtas committee hears concerns over debt burden under loan proposalsTue May 02 2017 - 21:50
‘This is a beacon for the inner-city. It shows that education and our students are valued’An extension to an old Dublin school caps a remarkable turn-around in its fortunesTue May 02 2017 - 19:28
Graduates could pay €160 a month until aged 33 under loan planStudy finds income-contingent loan scheme cheapest way for State to expand third levelTue May 02 2017 - 06:54
ASTI grassroots seeks convention to end industrial actionLeadership resists move and urges members to respect union’s previous ballotTue May 02 2017 - 06:43
ASTI revolt: ‘We’re stuck in the doldrums saying no’Biggest second-level teachers’ union losing members in context of internal divisionsTue May 02 2017 - 01:49
Cillian Murphy on the Leaving Cert: ‘It was a dark year. . . I still have nightmares about it’Scarred by his school experiences, the actor is helping to promote empathy educationTue May 02 2017 - 01:00
Youth club that embraced Syrian refugees scoops national awardBallaghaderreen group takes top prize at Foróige Youth Citizenship Awards in DublinSun Apr 30 2017 - 16:18
Schools managers criticise plans to cut uniform costs for parentsConference told move is a fig leaf to hide the chronic underfunding of schoolsThu Apr 27 2017 - 17:48
Colleges face scrutiny over response to meeting skills gaps across industryNational Skills Council to be chaired by Minister for EducationThu Apr 27 2017 - 14:31
More than 6,000 students drop out of college in first yearHighest drop-out rates in construction, computer science and engineering coursesThu Apr 27 2017 - 06:30
Skills gaps: Where are the best opportunities for graduates?There are not enough skilled workers to meet demand in computing, engineering and constructionThu Apr 27 2017 - 01:00
Many college graduates lack work-ready skills, say small firmsIsme says quality of college graduates appears to be on the declineThu Apr 27 2017 - 01:00
ASTI president hits out at petition to suspend industrial actionSome members gathering signatures for special convention to reverse strategyWed Apr 26 2017 - 20:21
Pupils protest over exclusion from support scheme for disadvantaged schoolsTeachers say vulnerable students from deprived areas are losing out on vital supportsWed Apr 26 2017 - 18:28
Teacher shortages in key subjects ‘set to get worse’Growing school population fuels concerns over supply in science, maths and IrishTue Apr 25 2017 - 19:29
ASTI teachers to resist UK-style academy schoolsConference rejects department policy focus on ‘ideological-driven autonomy’ for schoolsThu Apr 20 2017 - 18:43
Strike action to be debated today at secondary teachers’ conferenceASTI suspended normal business on Wednesday after criticism of its strategyThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:46
Bereaved students should have second chance to sit Leaving CertASTI conference supports motion calling for students to be given opportunity to repeat exams in summer or autumnThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:46
ASTI struggles with infighting and internal dysfunctionMembers argue the union needs a strategy beyond resisting compromise at all costsThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:45
ASTI criticised by own delegates for ‘zombie campaign’Majority of delegates at conference oppose any deal that does not guarantee pay equalityThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:44
Teacher pay: ‘Even with my partner’s income, we struggle to make ends meet’Seán Fox says it is impossible for young teachers to afford to pay a mortgageThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:44
Chinese to be added to Leaving Cert curriculumGovernment plan sets ambitious targets to raise numbers studying foreign languagesThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:44
Primary education could be made free ‘overnight’ - Barnardos‘Tiny overall investment’ could remove cost of books, transport and contributionsThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:44