INTO general secretary to retire next yearSheila Nunan has led country’s biggest teachers’ organisation for a decadeMon Aug 27 2018 - 16:42
Special needs children open Ireland’s ‘most inclusive’ playgroundWicklow playground designed for children with physical and sensory disabilitiesThu Aug 23 2018 - 19:34
School bus system in ‘chaos’ as children left without placesDepartment of Education system says there is no shortage of places for ‘eligible’ childrenThu Aug 23 2018 - 19:32
Our Catholic education system is out of step with modern societySchool population has changed since last papal visit but most of the system is the sameThu Aug 23 2018 - 18:39
Foreign language speakers to be hired for classroomsOverseas language assistants to be recruited to support teaching and linguistic learningWed Aug 22 2018 - 00:01
Higher education chief resigns amid frustration over lack of autonomySources claim some key proposed reforms have either been stymied or delayedTue Aug 21 2018 - 16:41
OPW defends decision to issue pass with ‘crucifix’ to health staff during pope's visitLynn Ruane says it is ‘disrepectful’ to require staff to produce badge for crossing Garda cordonsTue Aug 21 2018 - 16:32
Have your say: Tell us about your student accommodation struggle or college commuteMany students are opting to commute long distances due to rising rentsTue Aug 21 2018 - 13:39
Students’ union criticises ‘exorbitant’ rents in affluent Dublin areasCollege unions refusing to advertise accommodation where students are ‘exploited’Tue Aug 21 2018 - 12:05
Higher-level maths students performing well despite doubling in exam numbersSome 92% of students secured bonus points this year; just 2% failed to pass the examMon Aug 20 2018 - 06:00
Sharp rise in students living at home due to accommodation crisisStudents unions say on-campus housing booked out in most third-level institutionsMon Aug 20 2018 - 06:00
CAO 2018: Points for arts fall amid demand for jobs-friendly coursesEngineering, teaching and nursing see some of the biggest points increases this yearMon Aug 20 2018 - 06:00
Man in his 60s dies after stabbing in DublinGardaí are investigating following fatal incident in Crumlin on Sunday nightMon Aug 20 2018 - 00:20
Journalist Gemma O’Doherty announces intention to run for the presidencyShe joins four other contenders seeking nomination to run in presidential electionSun Aug 19 2018 - 21:18
Girls outperform boys in majority of Leaving Cert subjectsBoys fare better at higher maths, while boys in North overtake girls for the first timeFri Aug 17 2018 - 06:00
CAO Q&A: Does my disabled status mean I’m guaranteed a college place?Brian Mooney: No one is automatically eligible, even if they secure ‘Hear’ or ‘Dare’ statusFri Aug 17 2018 - 01:00
Bruton plays down high failure rate in ordinary level mathsState Examinations Commission to be asked to see if there are ‘lessons to be learned’Wed Aug 15 2018 - 18:04
More than 3,700 Leaving Cert pupils fail maths examPoints bonus for record numbers who gambled on sitting higher-level maths paperWed Aug 15 2018 - 17:13
‘I was in shock’ - Seven Leaving Cert students get eight H1sMore than 3,700 Leaving Cert pupils fail maths examWed Aug 15 2018 - 14:13
Leaving Cert: Still puzzled by the new grading system? Read thisThe old familiar grading system - A1, B2, C3 - was replaced with grades from H1 to H8 and O1 to O8Wed Aug 15 2018 - 07:57
Mother has to check son at school to ensure he’s not at riskLack of nursing supports for severely disabled children ‘matter of urgency’Tue Aug 07 2018 - 02:25
Vulnerable children at risk due to lack of nursing supports in schoolsState body warns of ‘urgent’ need to provide support for pupils with complex medical conditionsTue Aug 07 2018 - 02:24
Give me a crash course in. . . college refundsComplaints are giving rise to concerns over third-level qualitySat Aug 04 2018 - 06:00
Whatever happened to the teenage summer job?Picking strawberries or waiting tables used to be a rite of passage. But the summer job as we know it may be disappearingSat Aug 04 2018 - 00:00
Large gender gaps in senior levels of Irish academiaVast majority of top-paid posts held by men despite policies to promote equalityFri Aug 03 2018 - 00:01
Almost 4,000 mature students receive CAO offersStudents in further education set to find out if they have received ‘round zero’ offersThu Aug 02 2018 - 06:00
Quality of third-level courses ‘at risk’ due to funding shortagesStaff-student ratios resulting in larger class sizes, Higher Education Authority saysThu Aug 02 2018 - 00:52
Refunds controversy shines light on quality of third-level learningDeterioration of staff-student ratios among factors posing risk to calibre of educationTue Jul 31 2018 - 02:01
Galway students refunded after complaints about coursePostgraduate journalism students received thousands of euro over several yearsTue Jul 31 2018 - 02:00
Baptism of ire: School move to prioritise ‘active’ parishioners sparks controversyPrincipal’s resignation over admissions puts issue of faith and education in the spotlightMon Jul 30 2018 - 01:00
Student fees refunded on concern over quality of courseJournalism undergraduates at NUI Galway lodge complaints about placementsMon Jul 30 2018 - 01:00
Rising numbers of parents falling into debt to cover back-to-school costsMore than a third of parents taking out loans to pay for uniforms and booksMon Jul 30 2018 - 00:00
‘Critical’ need for investment in institutes of technologyUp to €400 million required over next five years to ensure sector is fit for purposeSun Jul 29 2018 - 08:38
Nearly €8m to be invested in technology for librariesInitiative forms part of rolling plan to double visitor numbers over the next five yearsWed Jul 25 2018 - 21:41
NUI Galway refuses to divulge cost of settling gender-row casesConfidential settlement involving four lecturers required sign-off by the GovernmentWed Jul 25 2018 - 19:06
Four female lecturers promoted after NUIG gender discrimination disputeSettlement costs likely to run to hundreds of thousands of euroWed Jul 25 2018 - 01:00
Former DCU president at centre of conflict-of-interest row in Scottish universityVon Prondzynski expresses ‘deep regret’ after probe finds he did not declare business relationship with newly-appointed vice-principalTue Jul 24 2018 - 20:25
Schools face ban on linking admissions to church attendanceGreystones C of I principal resigns over ranking based on ‘parochial engagement’Tue Jul 24 2018 - 00:09
Students will have to record activities for new Leaving Cert PE examSchools to get grants totalling €330,000 for the technology for the recordingsMon Jul 23 2018 - 16:29
Principal resigns from Greystones school over admissions rowSt Patrick’s National School seeking evidence of ‘parochial engagement’ among childrenMon Jul 23 2018 - 01:55
Primary-school teachers may be converted for second-level rolesSupply crisis solution suggested as pupils in post-primary set to reach record highsMon Jul 23 2018 - 01:52
New figures show extent of ‘class gap’ in higher educationFee-paying students much more likely to attend top Dublin-based universitiesMon Jul 23 2018 - 01:19
Falling primary school numbers will lead to ‘hundreds’ of surplus teachersAlmost 700 fewer primary teachers will be required between 2019 to 2021, review findsThu Jul 19 2018 - 18:43
Does Ireland really need more universities?Jury out on whether technological universities will be more than a name-plate changeWed Jul 18 2018 - 11:09
Dublin colleges to merge into technological university in JanuaryTaoiseach says ‘new departure’ in Irish education will drive regional developmentTue Jul 17 2018 - 20:21
Pupils opting out of religion must not get extra tuition - bishopsPupils studying religion will be at ‘disadvantage’ to others if change goes aheadTue Jul 17 2018 - 01:46
Unveiling of new schools in doubt after subcontractors picketSchools in Bray and Wexford may not now open in time for forthcoming school yearMon Jul 16 2018 - 19:21
New technological university for greater Dublin area to be announcedDIT, IT Tallaght and IT Blanchardstown will merge to form new type of universityMon Jul 16 2018 - 01:00
Vending machines are sources of revenue for schoolsChildren tempted by fizzy drinks, chocolate and crisps on a daily basis in schoolsThu Jul 12 2018 - 22:38
Innovation districts: creating buzzy hives of invention (and good coffee)Trinity’s plan for a Grand Canal Innovation District aims to attract investment and jobsThu Jul 12 2018 - 16:38