Existing State bosses unlikely to have cap on their salariesSTATE EXECUTIVES: EXISTING STATE company and agency executives are unlikely to have their salaries capped at €250,000, but Minister…Wed Dec 08 2010 - 00:00
PM Group aims to expand into ChinaENGINEERING AND architecture business PM Group, which was project manager on the Lansdowne Road stadium makeover, is looking …Tue Dec 07 2010 - 00:00
Consumers may face higher energy costsTHERE WERE growing signs yesterday that Irish businesses and consumers are facing increased energy costs.Tue Dec 07 2010 - 00:00
Registrar warns Shelbourne firmTHE STATE’S companies registrar is threatening the firm that owns Dublin’s Shelbourne Hotel with being struck off.Tue Dec 07 2010 - 00:00
Arbitrator rules Irish Life must proceed with €170m office dealIRISH LIFE has to go ahead with a three-year-old €170 million property deal in Luxembourg that it believed it was no longer obliged…Fri Dec 03 2010 - 00:00
Anglo appoints receiver to Pierse and Kelly projectSTATE-OWNED Anglo Irish Bank has appointed a receiver to Carrickmines Manor, a high-profile residential and commercial development…Fri Dec 03 2010 - 00:00
Energia expands wind-farm operationENERGY COMPANY Energia is raising €48 million from a group of banks to help finance the expansion of its wind-energy operations…Fri Dec 03 2010 - 00:00
Decision by end of next year on ESB saleSTATE ASSETS: THE GOVERNMENT will have to decide within a year whether to sell the ESB and An Bord Gáis to shore up the State…Thu Dec 02 2010 - 00:00
State barred from default on Anglo loansTECHNICAL MEMORANDUM: THE REPUBLIC’S €85 million deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union explicitly…Thu Dec 02 2010 - 00:00
IL&P gains as financials endure mixed fortunesIseq: 2,646.00 (-9.30) Settlement date: December 3rdWed Dec 01 2010 - 00:00
Growth creates €440,000 half-year Worldspreads lossTHE COST of expanding its business left quoted financial spread-betting company Worldspreads with a €440,000 loss for the first…Wed Dec 01 2010 - 00:00
Gaelectric gets go-ahead for €26m wind farm in TyroneGREEN ENERGY developer Gaelectric has been the given the go- ahead for a €26 million wind farm in Co Tyrone, its second such …Wed Dec 01 2010 - 00:00
CRH plans to borrow $650m in bond saleIRISH BUILDING materials giant CRH intends to borrow at least $650 million (€500 million) from US institutions in a bond sale…Wed Dec 01 2010 - 00:00
Iseq falls on 'volatile day'A volatile day, partly due to a reweighting of the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) index, left the Irish market trailing…Tue Nov 30 2010 - 00:00
€1m IT deal 'great start for Unity business'UNITY TECHNOLOGY Solutions, the company that emerged from the Calyx receivership in September, has done a €1 million deal with…Mon Nov 29 2010 - 00:00
Banks appoint receivers to insolvent PierseTWO BANKS have appointed receivers to insolvent building company, Pierse Contracting, to protect their secured debts.Mon Nov 29 2010 - 00:00
State could pay interest rate of 6.3%PRESS CONFERENCE: THE STATE could pay up to 6Mon Nov 29 2010 - 00:00
Building halts as firm awaits approval from NamaWORK HALTED yesterday on a number of sites in London operated by McCabe Builders, the company controlled by developer John McCabe…Sat Nov 27 2010 - 00:00
Most McInerney creditors back €48m restructuring planHOUSE BUILDER McInerney is a step closer to a rescue after a majority of its creditors yesterday backed a €48 million restructuring…Sat Nov 27 2010 - 00:00
Pierse lost €31m last year before collapsePIERSE CONTRACTING, the building company placed in liquidation by the High Court earlier this month, lost €31 million last year…Fri Nov 26 2010 - 00:00
Sub contractors want State to hasten law on contract reformBUILDING SUB contractors want the Oireachtas to speed up the introduction of a new law that will help prevent them being left…Fri Nov 26 2010 - 00:00
Oaktree offers €25m to banks in bid for McInerneyTHE INVESTOR bidding to buy house builder McInerney out of examinership is offering its banks €25 million in final settlement…Thu Nov 25 2010 - 00:00
Xtra-vision near to clearing €7m debtDVD RENTAL and electronics retail chain Xtra-vision is close to clearing the €7 million debt that it used to buy the business…Thu Nov 25 2010 - 00:00
Infrastructure spend to be cut by €5bnCAPITAL SPENDING: THE GOVERNMENT looks set to reduce public spending on building projects such as roads and water treatment …Thu Nov 25 2010 - 00:00
VAT action against State targets bloodstock sectorTHE EUROPEAN Commission is planning to take the Republic to court in a VAT case that could hit investment in the bloodstock and…Thu Nov 25 2010 - 00:00
Fall in property values added to Mitchells and Butlers £127m lossA £304 MILLION sterling reduction in the value of its properties contributed to a £127 million loss at Mitchells and Butlers, …Wed Nov 24 2010 - 00:00
AIB to wind down its US-based AIA operation with loss of 30 jobsAIB IS closing a division of its US business with the loss of 30 jobs.Wed Nov 24 2010 - 00:00
CRH agrees to sell US steel and wire company for €37mQUOTED BUILDING materials giant CRH is selling one of its US businesses for €37 million.Tue Nov 23 2010 - 00:00
Smurfit to use €250m to pay debtsPAPER AND packaging group, Smurfit Kappa, has raised €250 million from the financial markets that it intends to use to refinance…Tue Nov 23 2010 - 00:00
CRH to sell US unit for €37mQuoted building materials giant CRH is to sell one of its US businesses for €37 million.Mon Nov 22 2010 - 00:00
HSE seeks cuts of up to 30% from suppliersTHE HEALTH Service Executive (HSE) is in talks with key suppliers about reductions of up to 30 per cent as it seeks to cut at…Mon Nov 22 2010 - 00:00
Jumping his way to successAUTOBIOGRAPHY: Ruby: The Autobiography By Ruby Walsh with Malachy Clerkin, Orion, 292pp. £18.99Sat Nov 20 2010 - 00:00
Lyndonbarry Developments placed in liquidationA RESIDENTIAL and commercial property company backed by developers Patrick Doyle and Albert Hanly has been placed in liquidation…Fri Nov 19 2010 - 00:00
Keeping Russia in reserveFRIDAY INTERVIEW: DENNIS FRANCIS chief executive, PetroneftFri Nov 19 2010 - 00:00
Paddy Power to create 500 jobs over next three yearsBOOKMAKER PADDY Power plans to create 500 jobs in its Irish business over the next three years to support its international online…Thu Nov 18 2010 - 00:00
Horseracing industry calls for doubling of betting tax to 2%THE GOVERNMENT should double betting tax to 2 per cent of bookmakers’ turnover and expand the charge to online gambling, a report…Thu Nov 18 2010 - 00:00
KPMG distances itself from HRI reportKPMG HAS told the Irish Bookmakers’ Association (IBA) to stop quoting from a report into horseracing’s finances that the organisation…Wed Nov 17 2010 - 00:00
Sammon in €120m deal to build schools in EmiratesAN IRISH building and engineering company is constructing a series of schools in the United Arab Emirates in a deal worth €120…Wed Nov 17 2010 - 00:00
Providence field could yield 200m oil barrelsEXPLORATION GROUP Providence Resources believes one of its licence areas off the west coast could produce up to 200 million barrels…Wed Nov 17 2010 - 00:00
Revenues at Kingspan up 15% in third quarterINSULATION SPECIALIST Kingspan expects profits to be in line with or better than last year after an increase in sales in the …Tue Nov 16 2010 - 00:00
Irish data storage firm raises €1.5m to fund expansionGRIDSTORE, AN Irish data storage specialist backed by Iona Technologies founder Chris Horn, has raised €1Mon Nov 15 2010 - 00:00
Planning approval for REO in BatterseaA LONDON local authority has paved the way for listed property vehicle Real Estate Opportunities (REO) to refinance its Battersea…Sat Nov 13 2010 - 00:00
Sale of State firms would be stupid, says RyanMINISTER FOR Energy Eamon Ryan warned yesterday that it would be “stupid” to dispose of State companies such as the ESB, Eirgrid…Sat Nov 13 2010 - 00:00
Inter-company loans may be to blame for collapseNAMA DECISION: INTER-COMPANY LOANS may have been behind the collapse of Michael McNamara and Co, which was placed in receivership…Sat Nov 13 2010 - 00:00
'Stupid' to dispose of utilities - RyanMinister for Energy Eamon Ryan warned today that it would be “stupid” to dispose of State companies such as the ESB, Eirgrid …Fri Nov 12 2010 - 00:00
CRH and Smurfit Kappa fall as Iseq sheds over 2%DUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 2,715.62 (–60.12) Settlement date: November 15thThu Nov 11 2010 - 00:00
Tullow to take secondary listing in GhanaEXPLORATION GROUP Tullow will issue about €58 million worth of new shares – at yesterday’s prices – in order to take a secondary…Thu Nov 11 2010 - 00:00
DCC has capacity to spend up to €500m on acquisitionsDISTRIBUTION AND services business, DCC, has the capacity to spend up to €500 million on acquisitions over the next three years…Wed Nov 10 2010 - 00:00
CRH spends €126m to build stake in Bauking to 98%BUILDING MATERIALS giant CRH is spending €126 million on increasing its stake in German distributor Bauking to 98 per cent.Wed Nov 10 2010 - 00:00
AIB relocating US office in ManhattanAIB, THE bank into which taxpayers have sunk €3Tue Nov 09 2010 - 00:00