Inquest is adjourned for fifth time despite family concernsRELATIVES OF retired schoolteacher Rose Duke, who died at Cavan General Hospital 4½ years ago, have urged that her…Fri Apr 18 2008 - 01:00
Consumer centre calls for review of car rental dealsALMOST HALF of the complaints received by the European Consumer Centre (ECC) in Dublin about car rental last year related to …Thu Apr 17 2008 - 01:00
Nutritionists warn on vitamin use instead of healthy eatingNUTRITIONISTS HAVE advised against using vitamin and mineral supplements as a substitute for healthy eating, following a new …Thu Apr 17 2008 - 01:00
RTÉ says listeners easily made medium wave moveRTÉ'S DECISION to shut down its medium-wave service appears to have gone more smoothly than expected as it has only received …Tue Apr 15 2008 - 01:00
Elderly drivers to be offered help to pass driving testIT'S NEVER too late to get your driving testTue Apr 15 2008 - 01:00
Politicians pay tribute to Ireland's first ombudsman Michael MillsWARM TRIBUTES have been paid to Ireland's first ombudsman, Michael Mills, who died on Sunday after a short illness.Tue Apr 15 2008 - 01:00
Ordinary workers did not gain from boom, conference toldORDINARY WORKING people should not be faced with pay cuts because they did not benefit from the huge economic growth of the past…Tue Apr 15 2008 - 01:00
State urged to act now to end suffering of PalestiniansTHE GOVERNMENT was urged to take a stand "against the relentless destruction of the Palestinian people" at a demonstration organised…Mon Apr 14 2008 - 01:00
Chinese march in support of GamesABOUT 1,000 Chinese people marched through O'Connell Street in Dublin at the weekend in support of the Beijing Olympics.Mon Apr 14 2008 - 01:00
Writer praised for brave and frank interview on dyingNUALA O'FAOLAIN'S frank interview about her illness was praised by people working with cancer patients and the terminally ill…Mon Apr 14 2008 - 01:00
O'Faolain reveals she has terminal lung cancerTHE AUTHOR and columnist Nuala O'Faolain has revealed that she has terminal lung cancer and has ended her medical treatment.Mon Apr 14 2008 - 01:00
Forum on Europe told No campaign is misleadingCAMPAIGNERS FOR a No vote on the Lisbon Treaty were accused of either not understanding the treaty or deliberately misleading…Fri Apr 11 2008 - 01:00
'No' campaign 'misleading' electorateCampaigners for a No vote on the Lisbon Treaty were this morning accused of either not understanding the treaty, or deliberately…Thu Apr 10 2008 - 01:00
Statement by senior garda 'deliberately misleading'JAMES LIVINGSTONE'S legal team yesterday accused a detective who investigated Mr Livingstone's wife's murder of making a "deliberately…Fri Apr 04 2008 - 01:00
Detective says he felt threatened by LivingstoneA DETECTIVE investigating the murder of Grace Livingstone said he felt threatened by the victim's husband when he learned that…Fri Apr 04 2008 - 01:00
Livingstone says Garda treatment left him 'helpless'JAMES LIVINGSTONE felt like "the most helpless man in the world" on the night he left Malahide Garda station after his wife was…Thu Apr 03 2008 - 01:00
Gardaí had 'irrational fixation' that man killed wifeAN ACTION against the State by James Livingstone, whose wife Grace was murdered in Malahide more than 15 years ago, has heard…Wed Apr 02 2008 - 01:00
Cities and towns put final touches to big day plansFIVE DAYS of St Patrick's Festival events will culminate in Ireland's biggest ever St Patrick's Day parade in Dublin today.Mon Mar 17 2008 - 00:00
Best foot forward for Irish before races even beginTHE IRISH were winning before the races even started yesterday when Amanda Kelly's dotty shoes caught the eye of the Ladies' …Fri Mar 14 2008 - 00:00
Some punters at odds with racecourse managerTHOUSANDS OF Irish visitors to Cheltenham found themselves in the unusual position of having nothing to do yesterday when it …Thu Mar 13 2008 - 00:00
Gift horses for birthday billionaire on first dayCHELTENHAM FESTIVAL: BIRTHDAY PRESENTS don't come much better than thisWed Mar 12 2008 - 00:00
Wind and rain almost drown out legendary roarCHELTENHAM FESTIVAL: THE CHELTENHAM Roar has become the stuff of legendWed Mar 12 2008 - 00:00
Our lives utterly destroyed by killing - familyREACTION: THE McLAUGHLIN family said that their lives had been "utterly destroyed" by the "brutal and pointless" killing of …Thu Mar 06 2008 - 00:00
Harney refuses to be drawn on PD leadership contestACTING leader of the Progressive Democrats Mary Harney has refused to be drawn on who she will support in the party's leadership…Tue Mar 04 2008 - 00:00
New Irish language radio station launchedRAIDIÓ X, a new Irish language radio station aimed at young people, began broadcasting from its website yesterday morning.Tue Mar 04 2008 - 00:00
Delays 'not acceptable', says HarneyTHE MINISTER for Health Mary Harney has said it is not acceptable that patients have to endure long delays for tests to determine…Tue Mar 04 2008 - 00:00
Dead men's car was driven wrong way on N7THE CAR in which two young men died in west Dublin early yesterday was being driven in the wrong direction on the Naas Road dual…Mon Mar 03 2008 - 00:00
Pension worries aired at seminarCONCERNS ABOUT huge drops in income in old age, and worries that children will be left destitute when they reach retirement because…Fri Feb 29 2008 - 00:00
Kenny tops RTÉ earners at €849,000PAT KENNY continues to be RTÉ's highest-paid presenter, with the latest figures showing that he earned €849,139 in 2006.Fri Feb 29 2008 - 00:00
Earthquake felt all over UK caused €13m damageBRITAIN: AN EARTHQUAKE measuring 5Thu Feb 28 2008 - 00:00
RTÉ heads uneasy over 'Late Late' politicsSENIOR RTÉ staff have told an Oireachtas committee that they were uncomfortable with a Late Late Show programme which included…Thu Feb 28 2008 - 00:00
RTÉ may provide vouchers to elderly for long-wave radioRTÉ IS looking at ways of providing vouchers to help elderly, sick and poor people to long-wave radio when the medium-wave radio…Thu Feb 28 2008 - 00:00
Tracking a tremor: Britain suffers worst quake in quarter of a centuryAN EARTHQUAKE measuring 5Thu Feb 28 2008 - 00:00
Weight is worrying childrenPARENTS OF children as young as seven have contacted the Eating Disorder Resource Centre in recent months with concerns about…Tue Feb 26 2008 - 00:00
Money sought for suicide preventionThere is an almost €15 million a year shortfall in suicide prevention funding in the Republic when compared with Northern Ireland…Fri Feb 22 2008 - 00:00
Mandelson affecting Yes vote, says IFAThe "irresponsible" role being played by EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson in the world trade talks would make it very difficult…Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
Israeli envoy says Hamas 'not the IRA'The Northern Ireland conflict cannot be compared with the Middle East, although lessons can be learned from the Irish experience…Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
High uptake of gay support servicesA report to be published today has found a very high uptake of mental health and emotional support services by gay, lesbian and…Mon Feb 18 2008 - 00:00
Flight booking site to go down on FridayRyanair has said it does not expect to lose any money when it shuts down its internet and call centre booking system for three…Mon Feb 18 2008 - 00:00
St Valentine's relics outlast rosesForget about overpriced roses and heart-shaped chocolatesFri Feb 15 2008 - 00:00
From spuds to spaghetti: the changing tastes of a nationIreland's flirtation with rice and pasta is a far cry from the 18th century when potato mania swept the island and people literally…Fri Feb 15 2008 - 00:00
Cooper overtakes 'Drivetime' rivalsRTÉ came up smelling of roses on Valentine's Day with increases in listenership in seven out of its top eight radio shows.Fri Feb 15 2008 - 00:00
Cashel sky to be filled with festival fireThe St Patrick's Festival will move out of Dublin for the first time this year with a fireworks, music and light display at the…Wed Feb 13 2008 - 00:00
Irish position in engineering under pressure - PresidentIreland's position as a world leader in areas such as engineering, software and science is coming under intense pressure from…Tue Feb 12 2008 - 00:00
More marriage preparation time urgedIt is "vital" that young couples spend more time preparing for marriage because it is a life-long commitment, according to the…Tue Feb 12 2008 - 00:00
Solicitor censured for failing to file accountant's report on timeThe Law Society is taking an increasingly strict approach to solicitors who do not file their accountants' reports on time, the…Fri Feb 08 2008 - 00:00
Tourism sector warned of tough times aheadIrish tourism providers have been warned of tougher times in the coming months and years because of the downturn in the US economy…Thu Feb 07 2008 - 00:00
Garda launches inquiry over Ó Searcaigh documentaryThe controversy over a documentary about poet Cathal Ó Searcaigh intensified yesterday as the Garda Press Office confirmed that…Wed Feb 06 2008 - 00:00
More smokers likely to quit todayMore people are expected to try to stop smoking today, National No Smoking Day, than in previous years, because Ash Wednesday…Wed Feb 06 2008 - 00:00
Ireland's Eurovision entry may be a turkey - and that's officialIn the past some unkind critics have described Ireland's entries in the Eurovision as turkeys but this year we could actually…Mon Feb 04 2008 - 00:00