Remembering Des O’Malley

Sir, –In my early days as Director of Consumer Affairs I went to the Department of Industry and Commerce to plead for more resources. Careful not to “go over anybody’s head”, I went up grade by grade until finally the department secretary said I would have to see the Minister. I entered, expecting some introductory plámás, as is usual in such cases, but just got a nod indicating I should sit at the table. Des O’Malley came over, sat down, and said. “Well, what do you want?” “Well Minister”, I said “thank you very much for seeing me. I just wanted to advise you that for lack of resources I am unable to perform my statutory duties.”

“Neither can I and I am the effin’ Minister”. A great and honest man. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – If the late Irish Times columnist John Healy was correct in believing that Charles Haughey was cursed in his friends, it may well follow that Des O’Malley was blessed in his enemies. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 9.