Two men dead after Co Donegal farm accident

Tractor tyre exploded as men were working to change it

The men, believed to be in their 50s, were working to change a tyre on a tractor at a farm at Killygordon, when the tyre exploded. Photograph: Frank Miller

Two men have died in a farm accident in Co Donegal.

The men, both believed to be in their 50s, were working to change a tyre on a tractor at a farm at Killygordon, when the tyre exploded.

Both men died instantly at the scene. Emergencies services attended the scene, with the area now cordoned off by gardaí. The Health and Safety Authority is expected to send officials to the scene this morning.

Local county councillor Frank McBrearty Jnr, knew both men. He said the area is still coming to terms with such a devastating double loss of life. “Everyone is completely numb with shock with such a tragic double loss of life. I knew both men and they were hard-working and honest men.


“They both come very well-known and respected families and out thoughts and prayers are wit them at this tragic and sad time.

“Donegal has had more than its fair share of tragedy this year and coming so close to Christmas this is even more heartbreaking.

“We are no strangers to farm accidents in Donegal but a double loss of life is just devastating. Our thoughts and prayers are with the men’s families at this time,” he said.

The bodies of both men were taken to Letterkenny General Hospital. Post mortems are due to take place on both men today.