D’Arcy gone for season while O’Driscoll is a major doubt for Challenge Cup final

Recovery slower than hoped after epidural to treat back spasm

Brian O’Driscoll: a decision on Brian O’Driscoll’s back injury will be postponed until tomorrow morning. Photograph: Inpho

Gordon D'Arcy's campaign is over, paving the way for Ian Madigan to wear the number 12 jersey in Friday's Amlin Challenge Cup final against Stade Francais, but a decision on Brian O'Driscoll's back injury will be postponed until tomorrow morning.

"Gordon is finished for the season," confirmed Leinster assistant coach Richie Murphy.

The 33-year-old’s availability for Ireland’s North American tour next month is also in doubt. That squad will be announced on Sunday.

O’Driscoll has been unable to train this week and received an epidural anaesthetic to treat a problem that, according to the Leinster management is not overly serious even though it flares up on an annual basis.


More commonly known as an injection used in childbirth, the epidural is to produce a loss of sensation below O’Driscoll’s waist to assist his recovery.

When it wears off and presuming he is fit to take part in tomorrow's captain's run, he will start in midfield, most likely, alongside Madigan.

“Brian is recovering, it is a little bit slower than probably what we would have liked but he is progressing reasonably well,” said Murphy.

“It’s one of those things that comes and goes. He is a bit tight in his lower lumbar area of his back. He is not going to run today. We’ve a squad of players here. If Brian O’Driscoll is fit for the weekend he’ll be considered but if he is not fit we will move another player into his slot.

“We’re going to miss him. There is no doubt about that . . . but the big thing for us is the players who slot into his role will have a clear understanding of what’s needed.”

There is, however, a shortage in the position. Eoin O'Malley (knee) and D'Arcy (calf) are unavailable, leaving Fergus McFadden primed to shift from the wing as Brendan Macken is only recently back after fracturing his hand.

“I’ve played most of my rugby on the right wing this season,” said McFadden. “Joe put me into the centre when Brian went off last week and I was more than happy to do a job.

“I had done most of my training on the wing and with Brian going off so early I got thrown in the deep end a bit.”

Thankfully he can swim.

"I love the physicality in there."

Returned to training
That opens the road for Munster-bound Andrew Conway to play on the wing, although Dave Kearney also returned to training yesterday after a severe concussion.

Another concern is Friday’s opponents have had two weeks’ preparation. Leinster, due to the British and Irish Lions gathering on Monday, only have one and half sessions on the field to get themselves ready for their third consecutive European final.

“Having said that, we’ll be there and we’ll be ready,” Murphy added. “It is a luxury to be able to play a European final in the RDS, in front of our own crowd. It’s going to be a fantastic occasion.”

Recently-selected Lions flanker Seán O’Brien has also been deemed fit to return on Friday night.

Murphy, incidentally, will be in Georgia next month with the Emerging Ireland squad as backs coach for their tilt at the Tbilisi Cup. Ian Costello was initially named as assistant coach to Allen Clarke but that changed in recent days.

“Looking forward to it, great opportunity to do some more coaching.”

Dual role
Murphy was also asked about the possibility of joining Joe Schmidt's Ireland coaching ticket, be it as full-time kicking and skills coach (his current roles with Leinster) or in a similar dual role, like scrum guru Greg Feek.

“Anyone would be interested in it, working with the Irish team.”

Gavin Cummiskey

Gavin Cummiskey

Gavin Cummiskey is The Irish Times' Soccer Correspondent