Leinster Union stands firm on rejection

Hermes' appeal against the Leinster Ladies' Hockey Union's decision to over-rule the Irish Council and bar the club from playing…

Hermes' appeal against the Leinster Ladies' Hockey Union's decision to over-rule the Irish Council and bar the club from playing their five internationals in a re-scheduled league fixture against Old Alexandra has been rejected. The match now goes ahead on Sunday afternoon at Belfield without the involvement of the five.

An LLHU disciplinary committee, comprised of five people who had not been involved in reversing the Irish Council's decision, heard the appeal earlier this week and has since informed the club of its verdict. No press release has yet been issued by the LLHU so the reasons for the verdict are not known. Hermes were invited to present their appeal "on condition that we accept the disciplinary committee's decision in the matter as final and binding," the club stated yesterday. "We agreed to do so and following a full presentation of our case and the LLHU's case we were advised by the committee that they were turning down our appeal and would furnish their reasons in writing to us shortly. While we are disappointed by the decision we do accept it and look forward to playing Alex on Sunday."

The club's willingness to accept the verdict as final has brought an end to the controversy, even though the Irish Ladies' Hockey Union's own constitution appears to have been contravened. While the LLHU has denied that they overruled an Irish decision, a member of the Irish Council has confirmed that they did. A clause in the ILHU constitution states, in bold type, that "decisions and regulations made by the (Irish) Council shall be binding on all branches".

Hermes were instructed by the LLHU to seek clarification from the Irish Council on whether or not they could play their five internationals against Alexandra in the match scheduled for January 23rd. The Irish Council gave the club permission to play the five but, it is understood, the LLHU regarded that decision as "flawed" and postponed the match, despite having told Hermes that they would accept whatever decision the Irish Council made. The LLHU later ruled that Hermes could not play the five in the re-scheduled match, which takes place on Sunday.


The Irish Council has never retracted its decision to allow the five play on January 23rd so it can only be assumed, in light of that clause in the constitution, that it is within its rights to over-rule this latest verdict and re-establish its authority over the branch.

Meanwhile Loreto's appeal against the LLHU's decision to dock them three points for allegedly fielding an ineligible player, international Caitriona O'Kelly, in the match against UCD on January 8th, is next on the branch's agenda.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times