Commodore's Cup may feature second Irish team

SAILING: Speculation is mounting that a second Irish Commodore's Cup team will be announced early next week

SAILING: Speculation is mounting that a second Irish Commodore's Cup team will be announced early next week. The event, that combines amateur crews with limited professional support, is scheduled to begin racing in two weeks' time at Cowes. Colm Barrington yesterday declined to confirm the full line-up of the squad until all the crews were in place.

However, his 38-foot yacht Gloves Off forms the core of the team that is likely to include two top British boats as the remainder of the entry. Barrington regularly attracts top international sailors to his panel. Jamie Boag is a long-standing tactician recruited in Dún Laoghaire while his wife, British Olympic gold medallist Shirley Robertson, makes regular appearances on board. America's Cup coach Eddie Warden-Owen sailed on board for Ford Cork Week recently.

The competition will make up for the disappointment from earlier in the season when Gloves Off was dismasted on the opening day of the Scottish Series. After a six-week absence, the Corby 38 was back in action and sailed a close series in Cork. Over its two previous seasons, Gloves Off has won almost every other competition on the Irish Sea and domestic circuit. The Commodore's Cup is Barrington's biggest challenge yet and a successful entry could yet pave the way to Admiral's Cup involvement next year.

The confirmed Irish first team comprises Ger O'Rourke's Beneteau 40.7-footer Chieftain of the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Roy Dickson's Cracklin' Rosie from Howth and Simon Brown's Prima 38 White Knuckles from the Royal St George YC. This squad is led by Donal McClement.


The Royal Ocean Racing Club yesterday confirmed that nine teams had entered the event. The Rolex Commodores Cup 2002 will be raced off Cowes, Isle of Wight, between 11th and 18th August.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times