School memories

Sir, – "School days end but memories last forever" is an old saying. Recalling an unhappy memory, Hilary Fannin reveals "my childhood experience, like that of many others, was that the classroom was a place to fail and be belittled in" (Life & Style, February 18th).

Everybody’s memory is unique, but many people believe that school days are the best days of their lives and treasure those memories. The impact of the class teacher in national schools can be decisive in influencing memories from one’s early school years. Recollections of inspirational teachers who praised, supported and applied correction, when necessary, will inevitably be mixed with other teachers who may have been less encouraging.

Observing the joy and excitement of children returning to school life following the recent lockdown showed an eagerness and happiness to get back to friends and learning and to a cherished institution that is crucial in their young lives. – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo