Government by U-turn

Sir, – Many are left with jangled-nerves by the number of inept decisions taken by the Government as it continues the ham-fisted tussle with Covid-19.

But take heart. The Government’s U-turn skills are now nearing perfection given the frequency for the need to change tack.

Soon the U-turn will follow so quickly on the heels of the gaffe that we will hardly notice that a second bite at the cherry was needed at all. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – The media will be tempted to obsess about “U-turns ” concerning Government policy on school closures. That is hypocritical. We are constantly asking our Government to respond to change. Our Government has changed its policy on schools because the facts have changed.

Prof Gerry Killeen has been one of the most candid and prophetic participants in our national conversation on the Covid pandemic. A few months ago he wisely declared, “by the time this is over everyone will have been wrong about something”.

I bet he prefers a government that can change its mind. That is what a government is supposed to do. And fair play to ours for doing so. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.