Eating meat and the climate crisis

Sir, – I refer to "Meat consumption must drop by 90% per cent to avert climate crisis, report warns" (News, January 18th). One cocktail sausage and we've consumed too much pork. More than half a meatball a day may be a catastrophe. Oh, and we're allowed just 29g of chicken in any 24 hours, which amounts to a wing or 1½ chicken nuggets. We must only drink a half pint of milk daily, and not eat cheese on the same day. Don't even mention wine.

The good news is we have to eat 18 times as much dry beans, soy and nuts as presently consumed.

Living is dangerous and the older we get the more dangerous life becomes. But somehow, despite eating all that meat and drinking all that milk, and avoiding eating so many beans, soy and nuts, we have managed to achieve a longer lifespan than any previous generation. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – I read your front-page article this morning in a distinctly grumpy mood. However, after a day nursing a severe outbreak of gout, I am rereading same with considerably more attention. Now where did I put my machete? – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Could The Irish Times please let us know who is financing the current vegan billboard campaign and the "Oslo-based Eat foundation"? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.

Sir, – A letter writer (January 17th), who clearly risks apoplexy listening to Danny Healy-Rae TD on the benefits of eating meat, states that the Oxford study on the effects of agriculture on climate change are such that the "giving up meat and dairy is the single biggest thing an individual can do to reduce their impact on global climate change".

Would dying not offer a bigger contribution? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.