Murder of Gdansk’s mayor

Sir, – In light of the brutal and shocking murder of Pawel Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdansk in Poland ("Mayor of Gdansk dies after stabbing at concert", World News, January 14th), I thought it right to highlight his role in Polish-Irish relations. In August 2010, Mr Adamowicz was instrumental in commemorating the long-forgotten achievements of inter-war Irish diplomat Sean Lester, the High Commissioner for the League of Nations in the Free City of Danzig (now Gdansk), before any Irish city considered doing so. – Yours, etc,


Department of Humanities,

Technical University


of Koszalin,


Sir, – The brutal killing of Pawel Adamovicz, the mayor of Gdansk, highlights the hysterical political climate that exists in Poland. While intolerant nationalism flourishes, perceived enemies of “traditional” Poland such as the late Mr Adamovicz are routinely abused and threatened.

Mr Adamovicz was a proud internationalist, a compassionate champion of Syrian refugees, a supporter of LGBT rights, and an opponent of anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews is central to the extreme right agenda in Poland). Consequently, he was targeted by abusive neo-fascist elements, who have acted without fear of consequence to date.

The family and friends of Mr Adamovicz deserve the deep sympathy of the Irish people and the wider European family. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.