Brexit – time is running out

Sir, – A solution to the backstop problem would be to change the withdrawal agreement to allow for a referendum in five years for the people of Northern Ireland to vote specifically if they want to keep the backstop or not. This should not be confused with a border poll. That would be a question for another day. I believe this solution is in line with the Belfast Agreement and the principle of consent. How could the Irish or UK governments disagree? – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Brian Woods (Letters, August 8th) is naive if he believes a small concession would have any impact on UK Brexit direction.

This has long since passed as being about anything other than one man’s career and the super-wealth of his backers.

Boris Johnson has allowed himself be succumbed by the fantasy he is a Churchill for the future economic and social structure of England. He cares little for the wider union.

As Attlee swiftly followed Churchill, so to will Corbyn follow Johnson.

We are staring into an abyss. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.